Day: August 10, 2022

Convince guests to choose your hotel

Travelers have many options when choosing a hotel. So why should guests stay at your hotel? While this may seem like a simple question, many hotel managers fall short in answering it. Typical generic response: “You must stay in our hotel because our staff is excellent and our rooms are clean.” While there is nothing […]

9 strategies to save money on prescription drugs

Prescription drugs sometimes cost a fortune. Most hospitals and doctors prefer to prescribe brand-name drugs, which for many patients becomes a difficult situation to cope with. However, there are ways to save money on prescription drugs, such as: #1. Find an online pharmacy Using such an online portal, which is usually run by a licensed […]

How to care for ceramic tiles

We all love ceramic tiles. It has an interesting texture, looks better than linoleum, is okay to wet, and doesn’t leave splinters like wood. But adding tile to a home can cost thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. How can you keep your tile looking new and clean? There are things everyone should […]

Get up and trade like a man!

Sorry, Star Trek fans, there is no Mr. Spock. The idea of ​​dealing with someone devoid of emotions and only making decisions based on logic is very science fiction. Don’t be fooled by the title of the article, what I mean is trade like a human being. Whether we like to admit it or not, […]

Fundamentals of Contract Law

No matter where you live in North America, you must have seen some humorous vignettes depicting a not-so-trustworthy real estate agent trying to sell a house to an innocent-looking couple. My favorite vignette, which still makes me laugh, goes back a few years when I was working in real estate at United Realty. She engaged […]
