Day: January 19, 2023

Cold calling to make money: the 7 second rule

If you have the sales skills to generate new business for your company and can reach decision makers in a company, as a salesperson, you have little time to implement a successful first contact with this person. Decision makers are sold in every way about every hour. Like clockwork, potential companies or vendors reach out […]

The Growth of the Real Estate Crowdfunding Market

Real Estate Crowdfunding Market Real estate crowdfunding is an innovative way to invest in the residential and commercial sectors. It provides an alternative to traditional real estate investments, which include purchasing a property or taking a mortgage. The market is expected to expand over the next few years, as the number of investors continues to […]

Can Anyone Trade Carbon Credits?

Trade Carbon Credits Carbon credits are permits for the emissions of greenhouse gases. They were developed as a mechanism to cut carbon emissions. This type of credit can be used by individual corporations, governments, or even individuals. The number of carbon credits issued depends on the amount of carbon dioxide a company emits. If a […]
