markets change quickly

The Economy of Relationships creates change. Numerous “changes” are occurring around us, some big and some small, as well as those under developing streams of change. Much, if not all, of the changes are being perpetuated by technological advances, both in the technology itself and in users’ adaptation to it.

The changes are affecting every industry and have the potential to accelerate further changes in personal and professional environments. These changes are global in nature, technology is a global force that is not isolated from any country or region.

The change is forcing a different vision of strategy, one that requires alternative thinking to the change paradigms of the past.

The big ones will have a different kind of greatness and the small ones will become central nodes of greatness. The new economy will move to the space in between, where adaptation and innovation are faster than the very large and the very small.

Change occurs when multiple factors converge and create a new system or dynamic that serves customers better than the old system. Systemic changes can happen gradually or suddenly when the driving factors converge together, change happens.

Changes are occurring in the following market and user-centric social media categories:

Advertising they are looking for new methods and models to reach the target audience.

Marketing: Brands seek and adopt new marketing channels.

Technology: Technological improvements are accelerating faster than the average user can keep up.

Communications: New media and increased communications.
Industry Specific Initiatives: Many brands and entire industries are turning to social media to improve customer loyalty and brand awareness.

Media: Many media companies are only now recognizing the influence of social media on traditional media methods.

Financial: New methods and models are being developed to generate economy from the personal brand, services and products offered.

Telecommunications: Social networking mobile applications are proliferating on the covers of mobile phones globally.

Your world: More adults are jumping in and learning the value attributes of social media, the learning curve is steep.

You: Directly and indirectly you are being influenced by these dynamics.

All of these dynamics taken together point to the potential for significant disruption for those who are unprepared or unaware. The impact of this dynamic will create strategic changes for all business models and mediums. The old strategies are no longer relevant, the new strategies are dynamic and emerge from moment to moment. However, there is a macro panorama of strategic issues that serve as a basis for thinking, or rethinking, business and personal advances.

The Economy of Relationships fosters the space in between. Supplies technology to nurture medium wonders. Being able to understand these dynamics is critical to effective strategic thinking. These dynamics change weekly, and in the past, changing business dynamics happened two to three times a year at most. The dynamic cuts across all dimensions of life as we know it and new dimensions and a new reality are forming before our eyes.

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