History of the muay thai team

Muay Thai is one of the oldest and most popular martial arts to have emerged in ancient Asia. It is believed to have originated in Thailand, where it was created by tribes who migrated from China, first to aid in the fierce warfare required for the conquest of the land, and later used to protect that same land from invaders. Through centuries of warfare and training, it was eventually honed into the modern combat sport we know today. In Thailand it is raised to almost religious levels, being practiced in numerous gyms and dojos throughout the country. It has become known as the sport of kings, and one of the sport’s greatest honors is the chance to fight before the King of Thailand. It is also a cornerstone of the modern sport of mixed martial arts, commonly known as MMA.

Muay Thai has been a part of Thai culture since its earliest days. The defining moment for the sport came in 1584 with the accession of King Naresuan in what is now known as the Ayuddhaya period. The king stipulated that all soldiers in his army should be trained in Muay Thai just as they had been, which greatly helped popularize the martial art.

early times

As the sport has evolved towards a higher degree of sophistication, so has the equipment used, both in wrestling and in training. Early Muay Thai came from humble and brutal beginnings and the equipment reflected that. The fighters fought with bare knuckles and very little protection. All the necessary equipment for training was found in nature. One of the most legendary pieces of equipment, used historically and still favored by today’s hardcore purists, was also among the simplest and most abundant equipment found in ancient Thailand: the banana tree. The forerunners of today’s wrestlers found this ancient staple of Thai culture particularly well-suited for punching and kicking practice. Legends tell us that ancient wrestlers kicked the trunk of a banana tree hundreds of times a day to stiffen limbs, numb nerves, and harden to pain. The soft, slightly spongy texture of the banana trunk was found to be ideal for this purpose and the tree was so abundant in Thailand that a suitable training environment could be found almost anywhere. The banana tree helped fighters develop their techniques, develop toughness, and follow the tough body training that Muay Thai fighters are known for.

The ancient practitioners also made use of other natural resources around them. Natural pools of water were used to increase resistance. Kicking and punching against the resistance of the water was an ideal way to build strength and maximize power at impact. The wrestlers quickly and repeatedly jumped in and out of the pools to build up stamina. Cutting off the sea in front of the face was done to develop focus. These fighters also used floating or suspended coconuts for target practice in order to improve the accuracy of their strikes against moving targets.

The combatants used little or no protection. Often his only protection was tree bark or seashells tied around his groin. This was important because until the 1930s groin strikes were perfectly legal in Muay Thai.

Another ancient team was developed during the era of King Prachao Sua, also known as the Tiger King. A passionate supporter and high-level practitioner of Muay Thai, the Tiger King was known to enter local contests and fight anonymously to avoid gaining any advantage. It was during his reign that the first prototypes of manual equipment were introduced. The wrestlers’ hands and forearms were wrapped in horsehair straps and served a dual purpose. The first was to protect the fighter’s arms from damage sustained during the furious blows often seen in Muay Thai. The second was to deal as much damage as possible to the opponent. Sometimes, if both fighters agreed, ground glass was applied to the horsehair straps, exponentially increasing the damage dealt. This raised the stakes in any fight and pushed fighters to their physical and mental limits.

The horsehair was eventually replaced by unrefined hemp straps known as Muay Kaad Chuek, which translates to “bandaged arms.” These were very popular with fighters and fans alike and would remain a staple of the sport well into the modern era. 20 meter hemp straps were tied to each arm and some wrestlers would dip their tied fists in the water before competitions. The straps tightened and stiffened as they dried, which was thought to increase both their ability to protect the fighter’s hands and to deal more damage to an opponent. In some fights, as was common with horsehair straps, the fighters would dip their hemp-bound fists into glue and then ground glass.


Muay Thai methods and training changed little over the centuries, retaining most of the traits passed down through the ages. Then, in 1868, the sport entered what many describe as its golden age with the accession of King Chulalongkorn, also known as Rama V. He and his successor, Rama VI, helped greatly modernize the sport and make it more organized. . The first official Muay Thai arena was built on the orders of King Rama VI in 1920 at Suam Gularb in Bangkok and a major tournament was organized. This modernization also brought many changes to the equipment used.

Until the 1920s, Muay Kaad Cheuk was still in use, but after the tragic death of a fighter in the ring, straps were eventually discarded in favor of gloves, which were safer and less brutal. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, many elements of Western boxing were introduced to make the sport safer and more enjoyable for boxers and fans alike. Along with gloves, proper muzzle guards were introduced, which quickly gained popularity due to their safety and reliability. Modern gymnasiums replaced their ancient training grounds and proper, well-constructed punching and kicking bags replaced palm trees. Practice gloves were also adopted and slowly the equipment used in the sport has become more and more advanced.

This day

Heavy bags are now available in a variety of sizes and weights depending on the fighter’s preference. From heavy 150 pound bags that help a fighter build his strength and maximize impact to lighter speed bags that help a fighter focus on punching speed, there are plenty of options. Because Muay Thai involves both punches and kicks to the opponent’s entire body, fighters-in-training often prefer a 6-foot tall full heavy bag, as it allows them to practice all of their techniques without changing equipment. Modern heavy bags also come in a variety of weights, with the 100 and 150 pound variants being the most popular as they can better simulate a human opponent. Modern fighters also have the option of ordering a pre-filled or unfilled Heavy Bag to fill themselves.

Muay Thai equipment has come a long way in the last century. Until the 1920s and 1930s, the old nature-oriented methods were prevalent in Muay Thai training. While fighters trained on equipment that worked very well for centuries, such equipment is now considered dangerous and unreliable by modern standards. Over the last 90 years or so, the modernization and worldwide acceptance of the sport has fueled the development of the right kind of training equipment that improves a fighter’s effectiveness and longevity, while also helping him develop more precise techniques. with minimal risk of injury. .

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