Are you drawn to an African country or some other nation in need?

A colleague, Andrew Strom, has just sent me an article about his visit to Nigeria and I have been granted permission to reproduce part of it. Why am I doing this and why do I want you to read it? Well, he reminded me so much of my time in Uganda and Kenya, speaking at seminars for pastors in the slums and in the jungles.

We recently returned from our trip to Nigeria, and had a wonderful time. The heat and endless cloud of dust, smog and diesel fumes were ever present, but spiritually it was a fantastic ride.

Three times God arranged for us to appear on national television, once while preaching and praying for the Governor of Ogun State (a bit like the Governor of California). Only God could arrange such a thing at the last minute, and we made sure He got all the glory. Thank you for his prayers, my friends!

I know that many people on this List have received invitations to Third World countries to minister. They want foreign preachers because they know many people will come to hear a “white man” preach!

I want to encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities, my friends, even if you have to pay your own expenses and that is very likely because you are very poor.

I have met many preachers of repentance in the US and the West who have been frustrated and discouraged here by the lack of response and/or opportunities. We need to realize that there is a wide world that is hungry and desperate for solid preaching and biblical truth.

I remember once hearing David Servant make an analogy of a fisherman having two fishing holes to choose from. In one fishing hole he caught practically no fish, and the one he caught jumped up and spit water in his face! At the other fishing hole, the fish were so desperate to be caught that they clung to the line and he dragged them as fast as he could to get his rod back in the water. Which fishing hole should he choose? Of course it was the second, equating it to the Third World.

Many of us think it’s the “spiritual” thing to do, wait and wait and wait right where we are, but as David Servant points out, Jesus clearly told his disciples that if they weren’t welcomed into a town, to leave. that place and continue until they find a receptive place. This is actually a command from God. Otherwise, all God’s servants are left wasting time in unresponsive environments. Jesus commands us “GO!”

Personally, for many years now I have focused my attention almost entirely on the West. But God is changing that. In fact, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if God calls our family to settle in the Third World sometime in the next few years. Such is the need and the hunger there. Unfortunately, it is the exact opposite of what we so often find in the comfortable and apathetic West.

I strongly encourage all the preachers on this List to consider the Third World, and soon. It may be time to think “outside the box,” my friends. You will not regret.

Thanks again for your wonderful prayers during our trip. We saw many breakthroughs in the lives of leaders and people as we talked about deep repentance and the true message of CROSS vs. the selfish gospel of profit, etc. Many people seemed very surprised and shocked by the messages. So your prayers made a big difference. Thanks. I hope to go back to Africa again in May.

Yours for the Third World Harvest, dear friends.

There are so many things written above that I can relate to. About 70 to 120 pastors would walk or bike 10 to 17 miles to attend the three-day Seminars, sleeping on the floor of the church building each night. I would be teaching 3 one and a half hour sessions each day with time for questions. These men of God were so hungry.

Strong positive biblical teaching and leadership is greatly appreciated!

It was worth all the “hassle” of the trip and all the “inconvenience”. How often I have discovered over the years that when we are in trouble, it is when God Almighty uses us most of all.

sand shaw

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