Does a healthy diet reverse wrinkles?

Many women who have been busy leading their lives will one day stop and look in the mirror and be amazed. Life would have passed them by and they would suddenly realize that they are now seeing the first signs of aging: wrinkles. One of the first thoughts would be: can I stop or reverse wrinkles now? Well, you can’t really remove what’s already there, but you can certainly undo some of the damage. It can also prevent it from getting worse.

There are two ways one can do this: one would be a healthy diet. If yours is one that consists of junk food and poor meal times, then it’s time to rethink the situation. If you want to reverse wrinkles then you will need to have a healthy diet, which is made up of green and leafy vegetables, fruits, the right kind of lean meats and the use of the right kinds of fat. You’ll need to work on everything from the type of oil you use to the balance of food that goes into your mouth.

A very famous diet that was formulated by Dr. Nicholar Perricone could be very helpful to you. It places special emphasis on what is known as the GI of carbohydrates. He argues that we need to have a low GI rather than a high GI in our diet. High GI carbohydrates are basically those that our bloodstream absorbs very quickly. It is what we find in white bread, sugar, chips, cakes, cookies and the like. These will have to be replaced with fruits and vegetables, as well as fish that have a very low GI.

To reverse wrinkles, when it comes to eating, it is recommended to eat several nutritious but small meals, rather than overdoing on one meal. Your meals should be moderately balanced with carbohydrates, protein, and fat. This will mean a sensible combination of vegetables, fruits, lean meats and legumes. Also, there is nothing that can beat the therapeutic powers of water. Drink as much as you can as many times as you can.

In addition to a healthy diet, there are certain skin care regimens that you should follow. Never leave home without a good sunscreen with a high SPF factor. An SPF or sun protection factor of something over 15 would be very useful. You can also reverse wrinkles by following a good skin care regimen. It also cleanses, tones and moisturizes at least twice a day. Stay away from artificial air conditioning as it wicks moisture away from the skin. Try and use a humidifier instead.

Another simple but effective tip to reverse wrinkles is to stay as happy as possible. Frowning creates furrows in the face that lead to wrinkles. Also keep a face mist handy so you can spritz your face whenever you feel like your skin needs some hydration. When you go out in the sun, always wear glasses to protect your eyes from dark circles.

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