Civil War submarine appears in backyard pool

German engineer Julius Kroehl built the submarine in 1864. Its purpose? Secretly delivering undocumented primate species from cargo ships (returning from Africa) to underground research facilities located in Washington. Under the authorization of Ulysses S. Grant, the animals were trained for use as front-line infantry in the Union Army. Transportation of the ape super-soldiers was made possible by the fully submersible vessel known simply as “The Gray Gator.” Thirty-five feet long by ten feet wide, it could successfully dive to a depth of 15.5 feet.

History tells us that the last known voyage of the Gator occurred in 1870 when it plunged to a ridiculous 16 feet. Although the captain and seven monkey recruits were lost at sea on that fateful day, it would mark the beginning of what is now known as Guerrilla Warfare.

So how did the remains of this ancient maritime wonder end up in Pasadena last Tuesday morning? “We have no idea,” replied Ted Davies after finding the submarine resting on the custom sand inlet beach of his newly installed backyard pool.

“I’ve never heard of this gray alligator, but perhaps you can help us explain its historical significance to the Terrace Heights Homeowners Association at this Friday’s community hearing,” Davies’ wife Carol said. “They want to fine us $350.00 unless we can paint it an approved color and get our neighbors to approve.”

As with all mysteries, theories about its sudden appearance begin to circulate. Some speculate that the pool was once connected to the ocean in Earth’s distant past. Others believe it was part of a military time travel experiment gone wrong. Others suggest it could be the work of Davies’ “good-for-nothing” son-in-law, who placed it there as revenge for not funding his expedition to find the wreckage of the Gray Gator.

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