In this day and age where we are constantly bombarded with noise and constant stimulation, it is sometimes hard to find a moment to just be and create that center of peace. Without it, your energy can be negative, unfocused, and exhausting. It’s important to faithfully have time for yourself to just be. As a former competitive athlete and go-getter, I have to be intentional about making time to recharge, renew, and revitalize.

Many of us have a hard time sitting back and doing nothing. I admit that I am one of these people. It seems like I’m always thinking of things to do to better myself, my business, or my life. My mind is constantly in overdrive. Does this happen to you too? I encourage you to make time for yourself to just be. One of the best ways I have found to improve is to connect with my peace center. The following five points are suggestions that can help you focus to be more peaceful and productive in your daily life.

  1. Meditation is a great way to let go of everything. I have known people who can meditate for hours; this is great for them, but it doesn’t have to be your practice. I find that 10-20 minutes of meditation a day can give me a much calmer and more focused life. Meditation is a very personal practice and it has to suit you! Start simply. Find music that helps you relax; usually it will be something relaxing and peaceful. If silence relaxes you, use it. Start with breathing for 10 minutes. Pay attention to each inhalation and exhalation. You may find racing thoughts and ideas in your head; recognize and release them. Return to your concentration on the breath. You can even imagine yourself breathing in light-filled energy and breathing out negative, toxic energy.
  2. Take a walk in nature. For me, who is always active as an athlete, nature is a great way to disconnect from my head and my commitments. Some like to listen to music but I like to listen to the sounds of nature. The beach or a forest is a great place to relax and just be. Even a morning walk down the street in your neighborhood can lead to peaceful rejuvenation. Do the time.
  3. Turn off all electronic devices. In this day and age, this is not easy. I have practiced this in the past where I turned my BlackBerry off for a day. This is my connection to the world: email, phone, social media. Without this, I almost feel naked. This is one of the most liberating ways to free yourself from the constant noise and stimulation around you. This summer, I had two weekends where I was visiting a friend where I got no cell phone signal and no access to Wi-Fi. The first time I was unprepared and nervous, but when I relaxed to just be, my body completely let go. The second time, I was excited to have those 36 hours of peace and renewal. Try turning off all electronics for one day. If this is too long, take a mandatory break of a few hours a week.
  4. Meditate on images of nature. If you live in a really industrial place or just don’t have the extra time to drive to a quiet place, you can meditate on nature photography. As you do this, place yourself in the picture. For example, when you see a photo of the sun rising over the ocean, you want to feel the sand between your toes, hear the squawk of seagulls, hear the lapping of ocean waves as they hit the shore, smell the salty air. Use all your senses to make this a real experience. Can you imagine yourself in that place? Take a few deep breaths and really relax in that place.
  5. Write in a journal. Most of us are always thinking: our mind is racing about what we have to do today. Take a few moments each day to write in a journal. Choose morning or afternoon. What you write is really up to you, but it is not a list of what you did that day. You could write about a special interaction you had with someone else that day, or a great quote you heard or read. Other examples of what to write might be a paragraph about what you are thankful for that day or being thankful for your successes today. If you like to write, write a poem or a short story. The main goal is for you to get away from the overstimulation of electronic, constant mind and allow yourself to be in the moment and relax.

Each of us is different and has different needs. I encourage you to invite some peace and stillness into your life. If you can create a daily or weekly ritual, this will ground you and give you that feeling of connection to the greater whole (God, Divine, Universe, etc.). Finding and connecting with that inner peace allows our moments and days to be calm, focused, and relaxed instead of hectic, confusing, and tense. While we don’t eliminate stressful moments or a busy schedule, we allow ourselves to react from a place of peace instead of a place of anguish and turmoil. Today I invite you to be intentional and find a daily or weekly practice that gives you that center of peace and makes your outer life more relaxed, focused and productive.