It’s natural for your ex to avoid talking to you or even seeing you. But if you feel like he or she is ignoring you, don’t panic and just knock on her door at random hours just to get her attention. There are easier and hopefully more effective ways to do it. Check out these awesome hacks on how to push your ex back when he’s ignoring you:

Leave a message: This is not a normal message you leave on your answering machine. If the reason your ex is ignoring you is because he is still angry, this would not work because he can easily hit the delete button before he even hears what you have to say.

The trick is to sing a song. Yeah, face that embarrassing fear and put down a good song that gets their attention. After a few lines, leave a message saying that she’s so sorry and would love to hear her voice again. This would make hate and pain disappear.

Call a friend: yes, it’s time to ask for help. Make sure you pick a friend you can really trust and ask them to do you a favor, preferably a mutual friend your ex also knows and trusts. Sometimes people listen more to others because they feel an outsider’s perspective is needed.

Ask your friend to talk to your ex and find out any unspoken feelings that might help you understand why your ex is acting that way. Your friend should convince your ex to reconsider and make it sound like good advice.

Go out with your friends: Perhaps one of the reasons why your ex ignores you is because he feels that you are too eager to win him back. Go out with your friends and let your ex know that you have a life and that you are an independent person. This would make him realize what he is about to lose if he doesn’t pay attention to you.

Find a new activity: This is a good way to meet new people who would also appreciate you for who you are. Surround yourself with these good people and enjoy your newfound activity. This would spark your ex’s interest in being in the photo again.