Do you have a hard time competing with other guys and getting the girl? Do you feel like you’re at the end of their line? Tired of being rejected for “better” catches? Then do yourself a favor and step forward! Get a new attitude towards competition with other guys and feel good about yourself. Be confident and don’t let them overshadow you. Don’t be afraid of a challenge and let that same “roadblock” drive you to become a better lover. Here are some ideas on how you can get over other guys and get the girl:

Superate yourself.

Stop rejecting yourself and know that you can totally outshine those other guys. Remember that you can be your own worst enemy, so overcome your imperfections, your insecurities and your doubts about yourself, they simply bring you closer to the bottom of that pile. Take a step forward, gather as much confidence as you can, and make a great impression on the girl.

Be ahead of.

Know what sets you apart from others, be it your appearance, your skills, or your intelligence. The key to your girl’s success lies in how well you handle yourself, especially when you’re around her. A great personality speaks for itself and can go beyond a great appearance or a high IQ. Don’t bore her with your good boy image. Instead, be your own witty, funny, and charming self and you are sure to surpass other guys and get the girl.

Don’t worry about her.

Make your absence felt, let the other guys fill their time with all their tricks, but stay alert. Know when and where to make your presence known; he is sure to get tired of the guys who would always hang around him and look for someone he misses during those moments. Now that you know these tricks on how to play the game of attraction, you can surpass other guys and get the girl of your fantasies.