Components of the feasibility study

A feasibility study is created to minimize risk and determine the feasibility of a project. As soon as it is certain that a specific project could be carried out profitably, only then could it be implemented. It is not merely an investigation but also a plan or a framework on how to carry out the […]

What are the fads and fads of food?

How did gastronomic fashion change? Exploration. India had the spices and China had the tea and those who went to remote places began to establish trade. However, much of the food we eat today originated in the Americas. The Pilgrims may have brought the turkey to the first Thanksgiving, but it was the Native Americans […]

Summer holidays and houses in Cyprus

Despite the fact that Cyprus has constant sunshine, the summer holidays are more of a festive occasion than anything else. Apart from the beach and bathing, the August period is more of a free-spirited behavior. You can move around in shorts, feel relaxed in your demeanor, and in general there is a feeling of a […]
