The Roman Catholic System contains many lovely people. Much of his leadership is equally a treasure before God. But the system itself needs to be addressed and should cause serious concern to God’s people. This article discusses that system as it appeared in the mid to late 20th century.

At the end of the Old Testament is Malachi. In these last days of the Roman Church, there is Malachi Martin, an aggressive “prophet” for the Catholic people, a former Jesuit professor, one who served with John XXIII. Comments on his bookThe Decline and Fall of the Roman Church, are revealing, though they tell me that Martin needs to be listened to with discernment. Speaking of the decline in Roman membership these days, he says:

“There seems to be no reasonable hope that this decline can be stopped…what form Roman Catholicism will take – its religious spirit and faith will not die, nor will there ever be a successor to the Throne of St. Peter – is one of the enigmas tempting we moderns will not live to see it resolved.

Oh, I don’t know, Malachi. Keep your eyes open. The keys to the mystery are everywhere.

Speaking of John XXIII, he says that his calling was universal. He wanted contacts with all men. He believed that people intuitively eventually do the right thing…he (John) later came to reject the idea of ​​a personal Devil and original sin…This was the father of Vatican II.

It relates that John’s successor, Paul VI, spoke of the people of God, not the Kingdom idea that so threatened people – rightly so – who knew the history of Rome. This same Pablo, says Malaquías, was used by the leftist powers in the Latin countries, and seemed incapable of controlling his Marxist-leaning bishops. He implies that Paul did not do much to protest the unnatural persecution of believers in communist countries.

So the next pope, he says, was determined to restore the ancient roads of Rome:

“By any measure at our disposal, the influence of this Pope and his Vatican exceeds that of most middle-class powers in the world today…

Malachi also talks about someone who will finally “dominate”… the ultimate dictator, the man of Fate… This Martin seems to know a lot of important things.

Is Rome in decline? Very possible. It seems as if the enemy, since the Second Vatican Council, has been “regrouping”, retreating for a while. In the process of formation, however, there is a world religion larger than ever, still based in Rome, still identifiable as Babylon the Great. I think that he unchanging church it will continue to evolve, adding elements that will both disgust believers and astonish the world. But the world will buy those items. Add to all this, the rise of Europe, and you can begin to see the amazing spectacle seen by John the Revelator on the Isle of Patmos. We may be about to see it in our day!

The post-Vatican II world of Babylon becomes quite confusing. Within Rome are a myriad of confused voices. Nowhere is this more evident than in the telling of the Medjugorje story. That is a small town in present-day Yugoslavia, where an unprecedented series of “apparitions” is taking place, or so it is reported.

The story begins in 1981, when, once again, young people who have no particular longing for God, who actually go to a hillside to smoke, suddenly encounter a “presence.” Why has she come, this ghostly but real “blessed Virgin Mary”?

“I want to be with you to convert and reconcile the whole world.”

It is not a modest beginning. She says some traditional Catholic prayers with them and leaves them with the admonition to find peace with God and promote peace among men. We immediately know that something is wrong, since God’s peace is promised only for his own, and for others a sword and a final judgment are promised.

The visions continue, and the communist government then ruling the land reminds the future seers that religious services are not allowed outside; the communists need to control religion in their regime. It seems that “Mary” would have known from the beginning. But she, and they, all comply, and the meeting takes place indoors.

Throughout the weeks and months, the children are visited not only by Mary, but also by “various angels, Jesus, the devil, and certain relatives who have died.” They have also seen heaven, purgatory and hell. In the early 1990s, 2,500 appearances have been reported, with more than 1,000 messages!

But we have some problems here:

1) Only the young see the visions. The “proof” of their veracity is said to be the accompanying miracles and lives changed. People clean up their act when they’re this close to the other world.

2) “Mary” commands things that Jesus never commanded: praying the Rosary, for example.

3) Many claim to have witnessed the “miracle of the sun” that accompanies it, but often those who look to the sun for such a miracle are instead endowed with severe eye damage.

4) Even Rome won’t say the visions are from God, but it won’t deny access to the site either.

5) The Roman bishop located in the area claims that the children have been caught up in sheer fabrications when they were questioned about these miracles. He is caught in a fight with other bishops, and the local Franciscans, who use these miracles, are real.

6) Speaking of these fabrications, initially the seers reported that Maria would appear three more times. This obviously changed. First there were five “secrets”, now ten.

7) Doctrinal problem: The woman from Yugoslavia now categorically states that “all religions are good before God.”

8) In Deuteronomy 18, God condemns necromancy, contacting the dead. In Yugoslavia, a dead mother appears to one of the children.

9) Horror of horrors for the Vatican, “Mary” has come against its list of prohibited books. In 1947 María Valtorta published Poem of the Man Godan alleged “special revelation” about the life of Jesus that by Catholics Prayed Protestant standards, it is bad theology, bad history, etc.

Unknown to worshipers of the vision, Pope John XXIII in 1959 placed this book on the Vatican’s Index of Forbidden Books. No Catholic should read it! But one of the “special” youngsters, Vicka, says in an interview that Mary thinks people should read that book because it’s like a poem between God and man.

Mary against the Pope. Mary against the local bishops. Mary against the bible.

I am by no means a miracle puncher. I believe in miracles with all my heart. I believe that God speaks to people in various ways. But for believers to benefit from them, the visions must be tested and compared with the original revelations the Holy Spirit gave to his apostles. These visions of Mary do not match, and the confusion we call Babylon continues.