Two types of martial arts movies are “in” these days. The high-flying sword plays wuxia and the raw, crude Shaw Brothers type. “Prodigal Son” is not. That’s because it’s from Golden Harvest Studios, the best film studio in Hong Kong. A Golden Harvest studios martial arts movie means little to no high-flying stunts, but pure, fantastic martial arts action. With a bit of comedy and history thrown in for good measure. They made a fortune by going against the grain, taking risks and ensuring quality. Something Shaw Brothers hadn’t done in a long time. They did a lot of classics, but “Prodigal Son” really is something special.

An arrogant young fighter named Leung Jaan loves to fight and takes pride in his martial arts skills. Little does he know, his rich father is paying people to lose so his only son doesn’t get hurt. But things take a turn for the worse when a real kung fu master challenges him and exposes his secret. Before long he finds himself drawn into the crazy and dangerous world of martial arts.

This is the second film that Sammo directs about Leung Jaan, the true master of Wing Chun Kung Fu. The first, “Warriors Two,” shows Master Leung as an older man, while Prodigal Son deals with his days as a spoiled young man seeking to be a great martial arts fighter. Wing Chun has never before been used as the basis for a Kung Fu movie because it is a fighting style that relies on inner strength, keeps your feet firmly on the ground, and uses many close combat moves that many filmmakers, even The risk takers at Golden Harvest believed that it just wouldn’t work on the movie screen. In short, it was not elegant enough. But Sammo knew otherwise and made two movies that succeed in showing everyone that the real, visceral skill of Kung Fu can be just as exciting and graceful as any other kind of on-screen fighting. Although “Warriors Two” breaks new ground in terms of action with excellent choreography, “Prodigal Son” is simply better in every way, not only as a martial arts movie but also as an engaging and entertaining movie.

Leung Jaan is played by Yeun Biao, which, considering his fame for his high-flying stunts, was quite a bold decision. But since he and Sammo trained together for years at master Yu Jin Yeun’s opera academy, the director knew exactly what his leading lady was capable of and what kind of resistance he could withstand. However, Yeun Biao’s acting is not outdone by his martial arts skills and he does a wonderful job of playing the spoiled brat who gains discipline and respect. However, with all of Yeun Biao’s fighting and acting skill and all of Sammo’s skill as a director and choreographer (and actor in a hilarious extended cameo), this film truly belongs to the late great Lam Ching Ying as Leung’s teacher. Jaan, Lung Yee Tai. A favorite of many Hong Kong action movie fans, particularly for this performance alone, Lam Ching Ying is a blast to watch. A student at Madame Fong Fak Fa’s opera academy, Lam played many female roles on the Cantonese opera stage due to her slender build and elegant acrobatic ability. This made him the perfect choice to play a Wing Chun master. Especially one that, in this film, she is a member of a traveling opera company and plays the leading female roles in her performances. However, she is not a wimp when it comes time to fight and she displays incredible technique whenever she is challenged. Like Yeun Biao, Lam Ching Ying not only shows off his dazzling action style here, but also puts on quite a show as he plays the reserved and humble martial arts master with an occasional flash of comedy that really brings the character to life. and gives you more. than a dimension. I can’t say enough good things about Lam’s performance. She is a great example of why Hong Kong action movies will always be better than American ones. Hong Kong has martial arts ACTORS, not martial arts experts trying to act in a movie. Lam Ching Ying was one of the best actors in Hong Kong and this movie really shows that.

Do yourself a favor and watch this movie. If you like Kung Fu cinema it is a must see, but if you don’t like it, I insist on taking a look at this movie. Granted, some humor won’t translate to Western viewers. Also some of the historical references may require a quick Google. But if you approach “Prodigal Son” and others like it with an open mind and are willing to accept the cultural differences between Hong Kong and other foreign films, you will experience something new, different and exciting. A new world of fantastic and unique cinema will open up to you, and “Prodigal Son” is a great place to start.