As business owners, we all know that the key to fantastic sales is letting your customers have a personal experience of you. The difficulty, of course, is that giving each customer that experience personally requires a huge commitment of time from us and our staff. So what do we do?

One solution is to spend our time “courting” once, and then let that effort live forever in a virtual format. It’s about creating multiple products, programs, or revenue streams from the core of our business that can be sold and spread without our direct intervention!

But how do we do that?

Using the promising medium of teleclasses!

By leading teleclasses (classes over the phone) you can take advantage of your classes in a way that will increase your productivity and the profitability of your business while becoming highly visible in your field or profession. You can become the expert in your field – the go to person! This article will provide you with ten ways to leverage your teleclasses for maximum visibility and drive thousands of customers to your door.

If you want to know more about what a teleclass is and how it can support your business, download this audio What is a teleclass? ([])

(1) Create audio recordings of your teleclasses.

With a digital recording device like the Olympus DM-1 recorder or a recording service like, you can capture your teleclasses in audio, which can be put to good use in a variety of ways. This recording can be used as:

-A free download on your website (people love the added value and a way to get to know you when they visit your site)

-A paid download (going rate for a one hour download is approximately $19.00)

-A recording transferred to a CD and used as a business card (people love having great content to listen to while driving or walking)

(2) Combine various teleclasses, including recordings and written content, and create an online digital library.

An online digital library is a wonderful way to give people the opportunity to purchase a lifetime, annual, or monthly membership to your teleclass programs. Many people are unable to attend teleclasses due to time constraints, so an online library will allow people to experience your teleclasses in a self-study format. I recommend that you develop 20 strong teleclasses, record each teleclass, and combine the recordings with written content converted to PDF before opening your library. From here on, you’ll want to continue to add new content to the library each month to keep people interested and excited about what you have to offer so they come back year after year or month after month.

(3) Turn your teleclasses into article(s) for online and print publications.

Teleclasses are a wonderful opportunity to create written content that you can share with your target audience in the form of an article or press release. By writing articles, you can take the content of your teleclasses and put it in a format that positions you as a media expert. This article you’re reading is taken from a telecass titled Leveraging Your Teleclasses for Long-Term Sustainability, and I’m posting it in various places on the internet and in various print magazines. The best thing about writing articles is that your written word spreads to thousands of people all over the world who are in the market for the products and services you offer.

(4) Take the content of your teleclass and develop a 7-10 week e-course.

Marketing studies show that it takes 7-10 touches with a customer before he or she buys from you. By writing a 7-10 week e-course (a weekly lesson delivered via email), you can leave valuable tips related to your teleclasses in the inboxes of your target market. Be sure to include information about your upcoming teleclasses in your e-course, and create an active link in the course so people know how they can purchase a product or program from you in the future.

(5) Develop and sell assessments based on the content of your teleclasses.

People LOVE assessments, because they provide valuable information about their needs, wants, strengths, and weaknesses. A well-designed evaluation can give you an instant connection with your target market and can position you as an expert in the market. I highly recommend Assessment Generator for a professional looking template that is easy to use and highly attractive. To learn more, take the Are You Ready to Lead Teleclasses? visit this link: Born to lead teleclasses? (

(6) Use a teleclass as the basis of a workshop.

A well-written teleclass can provide a great outline for a workshop, and with very little effort, you’ll have a live presentation that you can market to your target audience. You can customize the teleclass to integrate language and address the needs of your audience. The core of your teleclass won’t change… just the way it’s packaged.

(7) Use your teleclasses as the basis for a radio or television interview.

Many TV and radio talk show hosts are always looking for guest experts for their shows who can provide valuable content for their audience. A great way to proceed is to transfer your teleclass to a CD and send it to as many TV and radio talk show hosts as possible.

(8) Create a strategic alliance/merger marketing alliance.

The strategic alliance is one of the most economically viable and effective ways to reach your target audience and generate a great impact with your teleclasses. By forming a strategic alliance with companies that work with your target audience, you will be able to spread your teleclasses to a larger audience at a much lower cost. This approach will increase your visibility and make you appear stronger in your market. An example could be:

You align yourself with a group of attorneys who provide legal services to your target market. You ask them to give your teleclass information to others, and in return, you send them business when a client needs legal services. It’s that easy.

(9) Use your teleclasses to create a “Tip of the Day” voice message.

Make the most of voicemail and answering machines by posting a message that says “WOW!” Take information from your teleclasses, turn the content into quick tips, and add a “tip of the day” to your message board. This approach can be very entertaining and educational for your callers, as well as a credibility and rapport builder for you. Relink this message to your teleclasses as a way to generate interest when announcing upcoming calls or offers on your website.

(10) Combine your teleclasses with those of your clients, colleagues and prospects.

Blended programs are often much stronger and more interesting than programs offered by a single individual. By collaborating with your clients, colleagues, and prospects, you have the opportunity to strengthen relationships with others and create something amazing that you can build on later.

This article was written in collaboration by Bea Fields and Roger DeWitt, who can be contacted through