Are you still worried about the pandemic caused by the Corona virus disease? Has it stressed you out for so long? Are you excited for what comes next? A “yes” answer to each question is a valid answer, because for now we don’t have the means to actually make the virus go away. Life has been difficult for most of us due to the pandemic. And so here are some don’ts that might make our lives a little easier.

First, don’t worry about tomorrow. Worry is something that happens in the mind. Basically it is about having negative thoughts or uncertainty about the results of things that will not actually happen. So worrying is probably a complete waste of time and energy.

Matthew 6:34 writes, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” (New live translation)

Did you notice what was written? She wrote, “don’t worry about tomorrow” and not just “don’t worry”. This means that you and I can worry. However, we don’t have to worry about tomorrow just yet. Our concerns should be what we have today and what is before us right now.

Next, don’t let stress get you down. Stress is a person’s natural response to a threatening external circumstance or change. When under stress, the body is activated and trained to deal with the threat. As we deal with stress, it would be helpful to find what brings us joy.

The writer of Psalms 119:143 finds joy in God’s command (“As pressure and stress overwhelm me, I find joy in your commandments,” New Living Translation). But beyond a religious point of view, we can find joy in other things. Despite the pandemic, we can find joy in family togetherness, or in good health, or in keeping a job that meets the necessities of daily life, or in sharing with others the resources we have been blessed with in this difficult time. If we just look closely, it is not impossible to find sources of joy all around us.

Lastly, don’t worry. “Anxiety in the heart of man brings him down, but a good word makes him glad.” (Proverbs 12:25, New King James Version).

Anxiety are mental and bodily experiences. It involves a lot of worry and stress, which can lead to mental illness that constantly makes the person sad. Lack or loss of interest or pleasure in life may also be present. Life seems worthless to someone who is anxious.

During an anxiety attack, don’t dwell on it. Help yourself and find a distraction. It helps to listen to good music. Sure, the kind and encouraging words in a song can lift your spirits.

Remember that the negativity that worry, stress and anxiety bring can be overcome. To some extent, they are actually helpful in making us change for the better. By addressing it accurately and in a timely manner, one becomes a problem solver. The discovery of skills and abilities occurs. And with determination, a healthier, better version of “me” emerges.