Increased interest in school rankings

It’s hard to remember a time when this country’s public school system was under increased scrutiny. Newsweek is publishing articles on the subject, there are a plethora of sites online cater to a growing demand for comprehensive school ratings, and that the blogosphere, the loudest public discourse mechanism, has enough to say on the subject of listing schools. based on classifications. Now the richest man in the world has entered the scene. In the summer of 2006, Bill Gates and his wife Melinda announced the goals of the educational program of their charitable foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The announcement of the educational goals proposed by the Gates could not have come at a more appropriate time. The public education system in the country is under increasing pressure to deliver amid growing concern that the country’s schools are producing semi-literate youth who might be ill-equipped to handle college-level jobs in the real world. Proponents of school rankings insist that these listings provide high school officials with a picture of the overall position of their schools. These schools, they argue, may therefore be motivated to improve the ranking of their schools. As well-intentioned as the idea behind school rankings may be, there is enough data to indicate that such lists may not always have the desired results on the quality of education offered in those schools that rank higher. low on the rankings.

Effects of low school ratings on parents

All parents want to give their children the best possible education, regardless of their socioeconomic status or where they live in the city. That is a fact. It is a different scenario when parents can afford to live in any part of the city they choose and have access to any number of schools for their children. But for parents who find their children’s schools rank low in school rankings, it can be demoralizing to say the least. These parents can find it difficult to motivate their children enough.

Effects of low school grades on teachers

The job of a public school teacher is thankless, and for teachers in the lower school ranking areas, it makes a tough job even more difficult. And it is really difficult to teach in a low-income, underfunded school. A low school ranking can mean that funding for the school is dramatically reduced, and this cuts into any programs the school may have planned. However, there are some cases where a school with a low ranking will qualify a school for extra help.

Effects of low school grades on students

Keeping dropout rates low in poor areas is difficult enough without the added stigma of attending a “poor” school. Does that mean we should remove school ratings to save student sentiments? Of course not. But parents and administrators need to be aware of the benefits and pitfalls of the school grading system.