Your Wife Is No Longer Affectionate – Compassionate Advice for Husbands

Your wife no longer shows affection. Maybe for a while she has been like this. She maybe she put it down to the passing of time or the fact that you two are so busy with everything you need to attend to. However, at the end of the day, something has drastically changed. She’s no longer the one to hold your hand or offer you a neck massage when you’ve had a hard day. You are the one who always looks for a kiss or initiates intimacy. It is a difficult situation to live for any man. Trying to imagine the rest of his life this way is overwhelming. You obviously need to change things now or your marriage will continue to be a source of dissatisfaction for you.

Trying to figure out why your wife is no longer showing affection won’t help you one bit. You have to talk to her about what she’s feeling, but this has to be done in a very specific way. Approaching your wife by accusing her of denying you affection from her will only further distance her from you. She will feel attacked by your tone and she will probably shut down and you will not achieve anything at all. You have to be compassionate and understanding and listen with an open heart when she tells you how she feels. As much as you are fearing that she will tell you that she doesn’t love you anymore, that may not be the case at all.

Any kind of emotional disconnection can make a woman less affectionate with her husband. If the two of you had a big argument, it is possible that she is holding on to it and it could be causing her to subconsciously feel distant from you, which in turn is turning into a lack of affection from her. Another scenario may be that the two of you are so busy that you don’t spend enough time together as husband and wife. If you only pass each other in the hallway once or twice a day with a quick hello and your conversations tend to focus on the kids, she may be feeling less warm because you two live more like roommates than life partners and lovers.

In most marriages there is a quiet sense of give and take. If one partner gives more, the other will do the same and do the same. That is why you should take the initiative and give your wife more affection from today. If you make an effort to show even small tokens of affection, she will take notice of her and influence her behavior as well. I know who holds your hand or rubs your shoulders after a hard day. She will feel closer to you if you do, and in turn, she will also feel compelled to be more loving.

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