Day: April 14, 2021

Psychic abilities and how to fake them

Some people say they are “psychic”, but what do they mean? Etiquette encompasses a diverse mix of talents and abilities, and there are many ways to fake them. Telepathy Telepathy, also known as “mind reading,” is listening to other people’s thoughts. The term telepathy sounds too close to telepathy, which is why people often use […]

Memorable Monday Night Football moments

Monday Night Football, because it is shown in prime time, has long been considered the largest stage of the regular season that a football player or team can play on. During its thirty-six years on ABC, Monday Night Football became the second-longest primetime show in history, behind just 60 Minutes. Throughout its career, Monday Night […]

The dream team for every startup

“A startup is a company designed to grow rapidly and the only thing that is essential for such a company is its growth. When a company is growing, everything else will eventually fall into place.“- says Paul Graham, founder of the world’s leading startups Viaweb and Y Combinator. Starting a new business and making it […]

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