Day: April 19, 2021

A Guide for Criminal Lawyers

A criminal attorney is someone who specializes in handling criminal cases with implications like arson, DUI, murder, robbery, etc. The main function of a criminal lawyer is to review the evidence and devise an effective defense strategy. Criminal attorneys work as defense attorneys or prosecutors. A criminal defense attorney will represent the accused, advise the […]

OS Wars: Lion VS Windows 8

In recent weeks, both Microsoft and Apple pushed their new operating systems to enforce their own visions for the future of computing. The new Microsoft operating system, which introduces changes as big as the change from Windows 3.x to 95, has a completely new interface, support for new processors, vastly improved touch functions, and many […]

No more excuses for Lebron James

For the second year in a row, LeBron James faced minimal scrutiny for his inability to secure a championship. Rather, he has been praised for exceeding expectations and taking his team as far as possible. Most of this accolade appears to be earned, considering his deep numbers and lack of attendance from his teammates. According […]

Writing tip: repetitive word choice

I recently reviewed a forthcoming memoir that is translated from French, and unfortunately the translator’s choice of words is so poor that it inspired this “what not to do” article. Word choice can be a positive or negative quality in writing for many reasons. In this case, the sin of the writer is the repetitive […]

The value of market research

In 2005, I was determined to test the effectiveness of my new brand through a professional market research company. Knowing how much she believed in him wasn’t enough; He had to find out what target consumers would think when they first saw it. At that time, my trademark name was approved in the United States […]

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