Month: September 2021

Correspondence principle in accounts receivable

The matching principle is the basis of accrual (or accrual) accounting and revenue recognition. According to the principle, all expenses incurred in the generation of income should be deducted from the income obtained in the same period. This principle allows for a better assessment of actual profitability and performance and reduces the mismatch between when […]

Northrend Flight Routes

Wrath of the Lich King in World of Warcraft will present players with many different flight points. This is one of the most popular themes when Blizzard Entertainment launches a new expansion. In this helpful and informative guide, you will be introduced to the various flying spots that will be available to players participating in […]

Protein needs: men vs. women

It is the same old and ongoing war to end all wars. Are the men and women really so different? Genetically, we are different. We have different hormones and we mature at different rates. Our brains process information differently and studies suggest that we even communicate in totally different ways. But when it comes to […]

Restrictions on participation in leisure

In “Restrictions on Leisure,” Edgar L. Jackson and David Scott provide an overview of the field of research on limitations on leisure in the late 1990s. They note that researchers in the field originally studied what was then called “barriers to recreational participation”, but the word “barriers” refers to what is now considered only one […]

Piranha: deadly and delicious

They had it even before we knew what was going on. My wand leaned in prayer to something below the surface of the tea-colored water. The six-pound test line danced like a cat on hot pavement. All hell had broken loose. Beads of sweat rolled down Doris’s back. His clothes were now a second skin, […]

PKD (Philip K Dick)

The three letters “PKD” have become an abbreviation for readers of Philip K. Dick’s work to identify themselves and find others. The man’s initials inspire admiration among fans and ridicule among detractors. I had the great honor and privilege of spending ten years with a great genius. Those were the last ten years of Phil’s […]
