Day: May 28, 2022

hermit crab as bait

Hermit crabs are an underrated and underutilized fishing bait that can be very productive back in the day. A large number of species can be caught when using this excellent bait eg Dogfish, Huss, Plaice, Flounders and it is also a widely used bait for Smoothhound. Hermit crabs are not easy to harvest, but if […]

Farmhouse Style Interior Design

Antique Indian chests lined with iron straps and brass medallions, chic farmhouse interiors update their style simply by using old wooden hope chests turned into functional coffee tables that have the added value of storage. Some are intricately detailed with elephants and horses telling stories from the Spice Route and others are painted with a […]

Black Death II?

One of the basic assumptions today regarding the latest health and medical emergency, this Coronavirus, is that it is highly relevant and reminiscent of the Black Death of the 12th and 13th centuries. During the early Middle Ages, personal hygiene was almost non-existent, sanitation was non-existent, and the close proximity of people in towns and […]

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