Month: August 2022

WOW! I’m going to do some cold calling today!

I am a fan of cold calling. I said it there. Cold calling isn’t as engaging as social selling, lifecycle messaging, or content marketing. – And despite what any hipster ‘customer success advocate’ tells you… Cold Calling is NOT dead. Before I interrupt the force and piss off every mobile marketing Jedi in the galaxy… […]

Unique Early American Furniture-The Pie Safe

The early 19th century cake safe was a wooden kitchen cabinet with several narrow shelves enclosed by fitted doors. Doors were made from a variety of materials, such as perforated tinplate, railings, screens, or fabric. Although the cake safe was made to protect candy from rodents and insects, the construction allowed for air circulation. The […]

Importance of package labels

Package labels are essential for product identification in the marketplace. An entrepreneur also improves the appearance of the label to promote the product. The importance of the label is to provide information to a potential customer about the ingredients of the product. This function serves the informational purpose of using a label. Sellers make use […]
