Day: November 22, 2022

all about depression

What is depression? Many of us say “I feel depressed” when we feel sad or miserable. But usually these feelings pass after a while. But clinical depression is when these feelings are disabling and interfere with your life. Clinical depression can prevent people from leading normal lives, make everything harder to do, and make everything […]

Children’s hair care

Salon visits can be scary experiences for young children: they’re boring, full of strangers and weird-smelling products, you’re told to stay put for a long time, while some idiot does terrible things to your hair you didn’t want. that they happened first. Life is so unfair! So how can you, as a parent, avoid upsetting […]

fundamental basketball skills

To gain better basketball skills, players must first understand and master the basics of the game. In basketball, there are 6 different fundamental skill areas that players need to focus on during training. Dodge Dribbling the basketball is done to move the ball only when a pass is not a better option and a lane […]
