Day: February 17, 2023

Strategic Management: Characteristics of High Quality Objectives

High-quality objectives are an organizational objective whose efforts are directed within a specific time frame. It is a statement of what must be accomplished within a given time frame. It is the desired end result toward which all activities of an organization are directed. The Characteristics of High Quality Objectives are; Specific, achievable, ยท Challenging, […]

Is drinking juice good for you?

It is recommended to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and green leafy vegetables for better health. They are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber and more. These food sources are vital in helping to keep our weight down, improve our heart health, reduce the risk of chronic disease, and generally keep us healthy and […]

Immigrant’s Guide to the American Dream

As proud immigrants to America at the turn of the 20th century, my parents worked hard and saved to secure a piece of the American Dream. MY PARENTS EMPHASIZED SAVINGS My parents raised their three American-born children with sound money management principles, the same ones that helped us secure a piece of the American Dream. […]

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