Day: July 21, 2023

What is a Tour Broker and how to become one

A person who operates a tourism business is a broker. A broker is an intermediary. Brokers buy or arrange items or services and sell them to the ultimate buyer. Some examples of intermediaries are: Independent insurance agents. These agents do not offer insurance; arrange insurance for you from an insurance company. Insurance agents usually receive […]

Common Cold Cures in Your Kitchen

Many people don’t realize that natural remedies for the common cold are in their kitchens. We take for granted the things that are available in our own backyard. Throughout the centuries, people have used minerals and plants for medicinal cures. When Europeans came to the United States, they brought seeds and plants with them. They […]

Bathroom Remodel – San Fernando Valley

Bathroom remodeling in the San Fernando Valley has seen an increase in demand in recent months. The community is taking advantage of rock-bottom prices for all renovations, but is targeting bathroom remodeling in particular as a low-risk renovation with great bottom-line returns on the value of your home. Taking its name from a famous mission […]

Web Zero-Point-Zero

Social media, or so-called “Web 2.0,” is all the rage, having migrated from whispers among technophiles in cubicle towns to missives in the C-suite. Many CIOs have rushed to develop a Web 2.0 strategy before asking the fundamental question: Does Web 2.0 really matter? The toothbrush on Myspace The much-heralded “revolution” of Web 2.0 claimed […]

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