Ampegy LLC Review – Spark Energy Electric & Natural Gas Opportunity

Ampergy LLC is a division of Spark Energy. Spark Energy is headquartered in Houston, Texas and is an independent electricity and natural gas provider with a presence in 15 states. Keith Maxwell founded Spark Energy in 1999 and filed for Ampegy in November 2010. Steve Smith, Chief Marketing Officer, has a background at Excel Communications, the youngest billion dollar company in history. What does this mean for your chance to become one of their next millionaires or just save money on your utility bills?

Business Opportunity Ampegy LLC

From small beginnings in a 300 square foot office, Spark Energy has grown to 300 employees as one of the largest independent energy companies in the United States.

Electricity and natural gas service is currently available in 7 states: California, Texas, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, and Connecticut. 9 neighboring states are listed as potential growth candidates. Both residential and commercial and industrial service is available, expanding the potential market for dealers.

The multi-level distribution model includes unlimited downline walks. Based on the marketer’s previous experience with Excel Communications during telephone service deregulation, this may be a good basis for comparison to Ampegy LLC’s effort to capitalize on utility deregulation.

According to Wikipedia, Excel was the youngest company to join the New York Stock Exchange in 1996, and the fastest-growing $1 billion company in history at 8 years, compared to the next older Microsoft. rapid growth at 15 years to reach $1 billion.

Excel’s founder and CEO retired, and the company was acquired and later spun off. Price competition in the liberalized telephone market increased and in 2004 the parent company filed for bankruptcy to free itself from contracts with representatives, allowing it to receive revenue from customers without paying commissions. The company has been acquired twice since it emerged from bankruptcy.

Ampegy LLC Compensation Plan

There are two entry levels for distributors, $49.95 and $399.90, plus $19.95 per month for marketing support and the cost of the Business Building Kit. At the lowest entry level, reps are only paid for personal sales. Compensation is based on energy usage, the number of active customers enrolled, and the number of sponsored representatives. Additional compensation includes business development and fast start bonuses.

$100 Fast Start Bonuses are earned 3 ways: 1) enroll 3 customers, including yourself, in the first 30 days, 2) enroll 10 customers in the first 30 days, and 3) sponsor someone who enrolls 3 clients in the first 30 days.

Based on my personal residential usage of 500 KwH last month, charges over six months based on usage would be $4.25.

Representatives receive two websites, one to sponsor representatives and the second to enroll customers.

Complaints Ampegy LLC

California appears as a covered area on the map, however when I checked my zip code for pricing, the response was, “Sorry. Service is not available in this particular market. Please make sure you entered the zip code correctly.” or try a new zip code in the box above.” My zip code also didn’t work on the Spark Energy website, with instructions to check the map again, even though the map shows coverage for my state.

There is an Ampegy forum showing unusual results. Maybe the forum is new and not yet full of real users and information. For example, some word processors use garbled sample text as placeholders, and I didn’t create a username to search further, but clicked on the banner to check the natural gas price quote. The displayed page shows the following nonsensical sentence under the heading Natural Gas Energy: “When almost the inhabitants learn of the vigor of the physical talk of the terminal figure, they somehow seem to learn from the practice of this intelligent chewing the fat, they’re making the environment easier.

If this company takes off, the growth could be phenomenal. Who do you know that doesn’t use electricity? There could be price competition from other unregulated providers, but the management team seems experienced in building businesses quickly in this environment. It may be worth confirming the availability of the service and the stability of the company before making commitments.

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