How to lose 15 pounds fast

With the New Year comes numerous weight loss resolutions, and with that many people will start searching in vain for a way to lose 15 pounds fast. However, do you know if the weight you will lose will be fat, muscle or water? The thing to keep in mind is that when most people think of losing weight, they think that the weight they lose will automatically be fat. That just isn’t always the case.

If your weight loss goal is to simply get on a scale and see a smaller number, then you probably won’t be too concerned about whether the pounds are lost as water weight, muscle, or fat. On the other hand, if your goal is to lose that spare tire you’ve been noticing lately, then your primary goal is to lose 15 pounds of fat fast.

Whatever the case may be, you need to realize that no matter what your goal is, some of the weight you lose will be due to water weight. Truth be told, during the first few days of any diet, water weight is what you lose.

Once you’ve decided to start losing weight, I’m sure you’ve been searching the internet for a way to lose weight fast. However, most of the views you come across promise quick weight loss, but don’t tell you how unhealthy it is to lose weight quickly. On the other hand, you need to find out what you consider “fast”. For some people, the word fast can mean one or two months, and this would be considered healthy. Yet others want to lose 15 pounds in a week, and while it’s possible, it’s just not healthy. Also, losing weight too quickly can result in a rapid regain of the weight you just lost, plus a few extra pounds.

Obviously, it’s much more realistic to lose 15 pounds in a month, and this approach would be much healthier. Like I said before, water weight is the first thing you’ll lose, you want to make sure the water doesn’t make up for the 15lbs of weight loss. One way to make this happen is to drink plenty of water while dieting as it is an essential ingredient the body needs to survive and depriving your body of water during a diet can have adverse effects.

I know some of you are thinking that to lose 15 pounds fast, all you need to do is starve yourself and watch the pounds melt away. Wrong! Once you start starving your body of nutrients, it will start holding onto every last nutrient you give it, storing it for later use, which can actually cause you to gain weight.

The idyllic way to lose 15 pounds fast is to include numerous foods that require a lot of energy to digest, such as meats. However, eating a diet that consists primarily of meat is also unhealthy, as we all know that a well-balanced diet is essential for proper health. I’m sure you’re thinking that every idea you’ve come up with I’ve shot down. However, having the knowledge of proper eating habits and the right foods to eat while trying to lose those pesky pounds can go a long way in ensuring that your weight loss program is successful and healthy.

Below are some tips to help you on your way.

1) Avoid anything that is high in salt. Salt makes the body retain water.
2) Eat 5-6 small meals instead of 3 larger meals each day. This helps support digestion and, in turn, burns more calories.
3) Eat a lot of foods that use a lot of energy for digestion. Carrots, squash, green beans, asparagus, cheese, chicken, salmon, and beef are good examples.
4) Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
5) Do some form of daily exercise to build muscle, which in turn increases your metabolism.

Taking measurements before you start and once a week during the diet will allow you to see your progress and stay motivated. If the weight loss goals you’re trying to achieve don’t show up after checking your measurements a second time, adjust your diet or exercise routine as needed. By following a few simple rules and staying focused, you can be well on your way to losing 15 pounds fast.

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