The 5 Protected Freedoms and Why They Matter!

Our Founding Fathers felt so strongly that certain rights and freedoms were essential and needed to be protected, they identified 5 of these and included them as part of the First Amendment. Surprisingly few people seem to notice and acknowledge all of this, and recently during the Senate Judiciary Committee meetings, supposedly to consider the qualification of President Trump’s latest nominee for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. , asked one of the Republican senators (apparently in an attempt to throw her, to, softball), for these protected freedoms, and although he has taught law and currently serves on the United States Court of Appeals, he left out one of them. Although this may be understandable, considering the circumstances, of appearing before this committee, it may also indicate that there is a need, for us, to emphasize these and try to make more Americans aware of them, what they mean and why they matter. With that in mind, this article will try, briefly, to consider, examine, review and discuss what they are and what they protect.

1. Freedom of expression: We often refer to this as freedom of expression, but many don’t fully understand what it really is. Freedom of expression does not grant the right to do so, dangerously so, for example, one cannot yell, Fire, in a theater, use offensive language, threats, etc, and, think that is protected!

two. Religious freedom: Unfortunately, many candidates and office holders equate religious freedom with blurring the line between one’s religious rights and the separation of church and state. The Founding Fathers were careful to protect one’s right to practice their religion, while also ensuring that this nation did not have a State Religion! Since many of these founders were themselves atheists or agnostics, they felt that no one should be mandated to observe beliefs they did not personally hold.

3. Free Press: A free press is fundamental to a true democracy in order to protect our access to information and real news, instead of merely learning what the government and/or any leader wants us to know! When President Trump refers to the media as the enemy of the people, isn’t that a clear and present danger to protecting our rights and freedoms, etc?

Four. Right of assembly: We need to protect the right of assembly, to protect a component of freedom of expression, freedom and liberty. However, these protests must be peaceful and safe, and if so, they must be protected! We must make sure that anyone who wants to play by the rules and meet peacefully can do so, whether we agree or disagree with her cause!

5. Right to Petition the Government: It is necessary, to guarantee, that we have the right to reparation, to grievances and, not to be afraid, of punishment or retaliation.

These 5 protected freedoms are all specifically listed in the First Amendment. If we hope to preserve the soul of our nation, we must make every effort to protect them!

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