Making him rise to the occasion: how to make a guy hard without touching him! follow this

A guy’s arousal isn’t just about the penis. Okay, it’s mainly about the penis, but there are also many other factors that make the big guy and his little friend anxious in advance. The male sex drive is a very complex thing that has many different trigger points, the right kind of stimulation to his eyes, ears or mind can create a situation that leaves him “hard pressed” not to act in the moment. Let’s look at some of these triggers and how they can be used to create an experience that will satisfy both of you.

If you think you have to physically touch a man to arouse him sexually, you are very wrong; there are many other effective ways to accomplish this. Just seductively purr his name to let him know that the pumpkin pie you’ve been baking for him in a wet white t-shirt is ready for him after he’s done with his donut swamp.

hands off

One of the best ways to start the process of developing a man’s desire is to tell him he can look but not touch for a set amount of time. Just like when we were young and told not to touch the cookie jar, we want most of the things we can’t have. Tell your man that he must not touch her for a whole day and he will be overwhelmed with frustration that he cannot. For a man, frustration is most often expressed below the belt.

put on a show

OK, this one is more controversial than anything else and requires the help of a VERY close friend. Men are very fantasy-based creatures. If you’re out and about and want a guy to get all fired up and ready to go, lean in towards your girlfriend and give her a little peck on the cheek, acting alluring and “playful” with another woman will get the guy hard in no time. instant. Even if the idea of ​​”group fun” doesn’t work for either of you, it does things in his mind that will definitely do things in his pants.

Be yourself, with yourself

A demonstrative sexual act in front of a guy is one of the 100% guaranteed ways to get him hard and fast. The touch of your breasts or crotch as you watch him will suggest in his mind that you’re ready for the fun to begin. For a guy, that’s all he needs to know and he’ll soon follow.

you saw the part

Wear outfits that are seductive but at the same time not too revealing, this leads him to want to see what is not shown. Men are creatures of fantasy and imagination. The idea of ​​what he doesn’t see will drive him crazy. In another take on this, wearing outfits that almost suggest a fantasy will accomplish the same thing, i.e. for a French Maid fantasy, wear a short simple black dress with white trim, with your hair pulled back and a feathered clutch bag. You’ll get the intent, I promise.

A picture is worth a thousand words

Men are very visual creatures. Men appreciate the beauty of a woman’s body, whether the image is explicit in nature or not. For most men, the idea of ​​what is not seen is more exciting than what is seen. If your guy is having a bad day at work, sending him an almost X picture can make his arrival home more enjoyable for both of you.

The way to a man’s heart…

It is often thought that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. It turns out that there has been scientific research that may actually back up this saying. Scientists studying men’s sensations of taste and smell found that the smell of pumpkin pie dramatically increased blood flow to the male sexual organs. Donuts came with the second-largest increase in blood flow, while, surprisingly, feminine perfumes and simulated vaginal scents only caused a 3 percent increase in blood flow.

Tell him what you want, what you really, really want!

A raunchy description of your favorite sexual fantasy will have her doing her best Washington Monument impersonation in no time. Can’t see your man in person? No problem. Pick up the phone and you can do the same. An additional excitement is the anticipation of having to wait for you.

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