make tough decisions

Most of the bread we go through is due to the choices we make. If a person decided to sell drugs, regardless of why he started selling drugs, he will face the consequences of selling drugs (lock up, kill, shoot, stab, etc.). Life is about making decisions and choices. However, if you make the wrong decision, the consequence of that decision will negatively affect you, causing you pain.

the valley of decisions

When God created man, there was one thing he had no control over: our Will. Because God has no control over our will (unless we give it to Him), we are free to do what we want, when we want. However, when things don’t go as planned, we blame God for letting us go through the pain.

Most of the pain we go through comes from some of the decisions we make. Also, when that happens, we blame God for the pain that decision brought. We complain, we drink and we scold God for not helping us in our difficulties. However, we forget to realize that God had nothing to do with certain decisions we make.

It only takes one right or wrong decision to change our lives. Sometimes we make these decisions based on our feelings and emotions, a common mistake made by countless people.

As I watch our nation and the world at the proliferation rate of babies having babies, it saddens me because every young man or woman knew that getting pregnant could be one of the consequences of their actions. But still, they want to explore the sexual world only to end up hurt, broken, and confused.

The decisions you make today will determine the person you will become in the future. Making bad and unhealthy decisions will lead to pain, frustration, bitterness, and hatred. However, doing good and healthy will lead to a future of hope, joy, peace and prosperity.

We all make decisions on a daily basis, whether it is to go to the supermarket, to the park or to spend time with family and friends. There are two types of decisions that each of us must make daily and for the rest of our lives: (1) major decisions and (2) minor decisions.

Important decisions

An important decision has the power to negatively or positively change your future. That is why it is very important not to make important decisions based on your feelings or emotions because those feelings will be based on the type of day you are having. The decision you make when you have a good day will be slightly different from the one you make when you have a horrible day. Instead, make decisions based on principles, rather than your feelings. What are the principles and how do you make a decision based on them?

I define principle as having a healthy sense of moral conscience to do things that, regardless of the end result or consequence, are at peace with God and with yourself. There are two types of principles: innate and learned.

Innate principles are those with which we are born. It is encrypted in the heart and soul of every human being because it is given by God. It’s not based on the color of a person’s hair, the type of music they like, or who their parents are. This can also be called the awareness of him.

Our conscience is encrypted messages from God that arise to help us examine our decisions. In other words, when a person is trying to download some information over the Internet, depending on the content or the source of the file, his computer will give him a warning. It usually asks you something like this; “Do you want to open or save the file?” and then based on his response, it will say: “the file could potentially pose a danger to your computer because the source is unknown.”

The point I want to get across to you is this: your innate principles will not feel comfortable when you make unhealthy choices. That is the main reason why many people regret certain decisions they made in the past. It is because even though they may have been satisfied at the time, when they look back, they realize that their conscience did not agree with the decision.

Learned principles are good or bad principles taught by your family, friends, and society. It’s heavily influenced by your upbringing. The principles learned can be universal; Which means that whether you grew up in Timbuktu or Manhattan, there are certain principles we’ve all learned. And some of them are; respect your elders, get a good education, get a job, etc.

If a person who grew up in a dysfunctional family (a family that knows they have problems but does nothing about them) makes their decisions based on what they saw or learned from other family members, that decision will often have negative consequences. There are always some exceptions.

Someone who comes from a functional family (a family that knows they have a problem and works to solve it) will generally make healthier choices because they have seen the results of making positive choices.

A person will always make healthy decisions if they make decisions based on principles. When a person makes an important decision based on principles, you should ask yourself certain questions to be sure of his decisions:

  1. Does God agree with my decision?
  2. Is my decision helping me?
  3. Am I hurting someone?
  4. How will this affect my future?
  5. Am I emotionally stable?

minor decisions

Every important decision starts from a minor; Many people underestimate the vitality of minor decisions. It is because of minor decisions that we find ourselves in situations that we did not plan. Every decision you make, whether major or minor, will affect your future and that of those around you.

Becoming successful at anything always starts with the minor decisions you make. Those decisions will set the tone for other decisions. Minor decisions can cause great confusion or joy. Minor decisions can bring positive results or a life of regret and remorse. The differences between major and minor decision is this;

Important decisions are important because of increased responsibility. Minor decisions are minor because you have less responsibility. You usually have one opportunity to make major decisions, while you have several opportunities to make minor decisions.

Major decisions will affect your future, while minor decisions will affect your day. You will regret important decisions with negative results, more than you will regret minor positive decisions. When you include God in every decision you make in your life, big or small, He will never lead you down the wrong path.

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