Social Media Marketing Tips: Follow the 80% to 20% Rule

There are infinite ways to reach your audience, there is no secret formula as such. Enforcement of the 80-20 rule should always be an integral part of your social media marketing strategy. In short, it means that 80% of your content should be engagement oriented, giving your viewers something valuable to read and engage them in conversation or engagement, and only 20% should be dedicated to promoting your business.

You need to establish the fact that people come to social media platforms for social interactions and not to read your sales pitch! Social media marketing is more inclined to build relationships, trust, and authority online rather than pestering your audience with repeated sales pitches.

80% Content – informative and interactive: This part of the marketing strategy is primarily aimed at sharing good content related to your business. Simply put, find the content your audience is interested in and share it across various social media platforms. Think retweeting, resharing posts, links to reviews, inspirational quotes, shoutouts, polls, trivia and contests, and other engagement-oriented ideas. If you don’t know how to create such posts, please do as follows:

  • Follow the most influential people in your industry, look at their posts, tweets and style your own or probably re-share them as good information.

  • Share your own interesting facts, content among your own Page followers and get them engaged.

  • Get your content out to your influencers and try to connect them.

  • Organize trivia, contests and reward the winners, which compels the audience to participate in the activity and gain trust in your brand.

20% self-promotion: While working on this section, include information that will “benefit” your audience by providing discounts, special offers with a call to action button that leads to your website that will allow them to learn more about your services/products. Post the benefits of your products/services, reviews, testimonials, specifications and all the information you need to maintain your reputation.

The bottom line: If a brand focuses too much on its sales and irritates the social network audience with a continuous sales pitch, it will surely drive away visitors and referrals. The audience will simply go in and out of your social media page without even landing on your website (traffic to your website is the only reason for any marketing strategy). Give your audience what they want to read at regular intervals and you’ll see an increase in your brand following and authority and maintain a consistent social media presence.

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