All about the Jiu Jitsu team

Proper Jiu Jitsu equipment must be worn at all times for the safety of the fighter and those they will be competing against. This is the reason why the judges inspect it before a match begins.

But what equipment do you need to have to compete in Jiu Jitsu? The good news is that you don’t need a lot of stuff. Just make sure you have everything you need.

First, you must have a Gi which is a conventional martial arts uniform with sleeves no longer than a fist’s length from the waist to the arm. This can give you and your opponent a chance to grab each other’s control because the grab is a way to score a point.

If there is blood or there is a tear, this must be changed immediately, otherwise the fighter loses the match.

For people who want to train, you will need gloves and foot protectors so as not to inflict any serious damage on your training partner. In the event that you wish to complete a full contact bout, you will need proper boxing gloves.

These are available in open and closed palm styles. In purchase for this to be licensed you must have at least fifty percent of an inch of medium to soft foam.

To stop broken jaws, you should also wear a mouth guard because accidents do happen and you can also take a pretty hard hit to your facial region, especially your mouth. The same goes for males that can take a blow to the snout. Fortunately, you must buy a muzzle guard.

Even though a sports bra is not very thick, this is a must have for women so they don’t feel any discomfort in the fight and embarrassment if all the gripping makes one side of the Gi come out.

You can also use a heavy bag to practice your shots. Ideally, this should weigh a hundred pounds and be 6 feet tall so that when you’re not training, you can apply other techniques.

Helmets are only required for wrestlers under the age of 16, but anyone who wishes to wear them will be able to. That’s right after all, the padding towards the head will protect your ears, eyes and eyebrows in the event of a frontal impact.

Although Jiu Jitsu is best practiced many times and in the ring, you can discover some methods you can use by watching videos of how other people do it. You can buy the DVD or watch it over the Internet, especially when you don’t need to pay anything.

Most Jiu Jitsu gear is offered individually, but you will find some retailers that sell them in sets consisting of a protective glove, shin guards, and boots. These are available in various sizes and designs so you are sure to find something you want.

All Jiu Jitsu equipment should not contain anything metal or plastic, especially when this is what you will be using against your opponent. Keep in mind that although this is a contact activity, you are not there to cause serious damage.

Becoming a great Jiu Jitsu fighter is not easy and you will also need to practice very hard in order to win during the tournament. If you want other things to help improve your skills, ask your teacher so they can point you in the right direction.

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