Timeshares and Timeshare Presentations – Dare to Say No

Some owners have bought multiple timeshares because they just don’t know how to say “No.” In fact, timeshare owners are more likely to purchase another timeshare than a non-buyer. It’s hard to even begin to comprehend how many timeshares a single partner could have because of this apparent fear of the word “no.” So, for the timeshare owner or non-owner, here is his best advice on how to say “No” in a timeshare presentation:

Request a copy of the timeshare contract for your attorney.

If you ask for the timeshare contract to be read and reviewed by your lawyer, you will create a dead end. Timeshare salespeople are trained to never allow you to remove any documentation from the presentation room. It might contradict what was said during your visit, and the length of many timeshare contracts is enough to scare off buyers. So chances are you won’t get the copy you respectfully requested.

Regardless of whether or not you get a copy, you’ll probably want to leave at this point. However, the sales process has yet to go through the gauntlet of the sales techniques used in these presentations. So be prepared for these timeshare sellers to stop or change the subject of the requested documentation.

They may ask why you need it, as there is a termination period during which you can cancel your contract. You may respond by saying that you would feel more comfortable taking the contract to your attorney, or that for large purchases in presentation-style sales meetings, you feel it is necessary to take precautions and involve your attorney before committing to a decision.

Don’t worry if you don’t really have a lawyer. If you feel guilty about lying to timeshare sellers, know that you probably know someone who knows a lawyer, or just happens to be one, and wouldn’t mind acting as your lawyer.

The beauty of this objection is that you’re not really saying “No” to buying a timeshare, you just want to take the time to properly research it. Salespeople are trained to overcome “No” answers. They may even be able to overcome the “Get the documents out of the room” objection, but it’s definitely not such an easy task because you don’t hear it as much as “I can’t afford it” or “I can’t.” take enough vacations.”

So keep this tip in mind the next time you find yourself at a timeshare presentation. Remember, if you REALLY want to buy a timeshare, buying a timeshare in the presentation room is the most expensive place to do it. Do your best to get out of the room as soon as you can, but be prepared to stay a while. Even the most effective objection will not help you respond quickly.

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