Where does social media fit into a business marketing plan?

According to The Social Media Examiner’s recent Social Media Marketing Report, “The number one advantage of social media marketing is generating exposure for the business, indicated by 85% of all marketers, followed by increased traffic [to a website] (63%) and creating new business partnerships (56%).” With 65% of marketers saying they are relatively new to social, many questions arose about how to implement it effectively without “losing” a lot. time.

Let’s take a look at a company’s overall internet marketing plan to think about incorporating social media into that plan.

How do your potential customers find you?

traditional advertising Like word of mouth, TV, Yellow Pages, newspaper ads are still effective in driving traffic to your business. Many of you have discovered that using the power of the Internet through search engines is making those methods almost obsolete. Social networks are an excellent method to find people interested in what you offer and attract traffic to your business.

An essential piece of online marketing is a website and a blog. Most of you reading this will find it to be “old news”. Website design, optimization and content and an informative blog will certainly be at the center of your internet marketing plan. However, there is more to consider. You want people to find your website, visit it, stay for a while, and become loyal customers.

The first step in an Internet marketing plan is to ask yourself these questions: Have you carefully completed your market research? Do you know if people are searching online for what you are selling? If people search online using the Internet, do you know what words they use to locate what you are selling or providing? These terms are known as your “Keywords”. It is important to have completed “keyword research” to know if they are searching online for a solution that you are providing.

The next step would be search engine optimization, SEO: designing the site and its content so that search engines will find it. This is not an exact science nor is it magic: experts in the field of SEO understand that specific things need to be in place for your site to be found. Having your site reviewed often brings to light details that are easily added to affect your search engine rankings.

Local business they need to maximize their listings on Google Places, Yelp, and other local mapping apps to be found quickly, locally. An optimized listing provides legitimacy and validates the content on your website, increasing your site’s recognition in search engines.

online paid advertising is another option. “Pay per click” ads through Google and Facebook are available. PR, articles, and blog posts also generate significant traffic, and many resources are free. Links to your site from these resources again, legitimize your site. They “vote” and validate the authenticity of your website. These are just some of the useful tools that can increase the number of leads for your site.

social media It fits into this part of the marketing plan by spreading your message, increasing your visibility, and building a following interested in your services.

Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and local networking groups are just a few of the many social media options out there. Choose your plan carefully Map out potential services and gradually incorporate into your plan those that make the most sense. Start with one piece. Gradually add the other pieces.

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and blogs were the top four social media tools used by marketers, in order,” according to Social Media Examiner.

blog it is easily updated keeping the content up to date. It is used to inform, educate and entertain by opening the door for customers to interact. Build on your expertise, talk to followers using the familiar words they involve – give them what they’re looking for, solve their problems, offer them solutions and educate them. This is where you want to make sure you “capture” your contact information: what do your customers need that prompts them to give you their contact information? Provide them, and follow up.

With the analytics available online, you can test and determine what works within your marketing plan. What pages are getting your attention? What pages do they start from? How much time are you staying for? What interests you?

building relationships– Encouraging loyal and returning customers through social media adds significantly to your overall marketing approach. It has been said that it is cheaper to keep a customer than to find a new one. This is the phase where profits are made.

What is your business mindset?By striving to be helpful and known as the local expert willing to educate your potential customers, you build trust and loyalty. As a consumer, what keeps you coming back to your favorite businesses? It is these strategies that keep you prominent in the minds of your customers.

Follow up. Stay in contact. If you don’t have a way to send information to your customers through email, it’s time to implement that plan. Email is a great and inexpensive way to do this.

social media it is one piece of a solid marketing strategy implemented over time. A social media marketing plan is designed with your customer and your business in mind. Where do your potential customers go to find information about the products or services you offer? If they’re online, you should be too. With a few tools and a great plan, this may be your favorite way to interact and engage with your customers. It is another dimension of networking. See you online!

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