Natural home remedies, symptoms and causes of miscarriage

Miscarriage is a miscarriage of the fetus in a pregnancy. Vaginal bleeding or spotting can be common in early pregnancy, but other than that, it is considered a threatened miscarriage. Miscarriage occurs when a pregnancy ends without an obvious cause before the fetus is able to survive. This is a common complication of pregnancy.

The separation of the fetus and placenta from the uterine wall is the cause of the termination of a pregnancy. Some of the causes or reasons that lead to a miscarriage are as follows:

1. Chronic disease: An abnormality in the mother during the second trimester of pregnancy can lead to miscarriage. Chronic illnesses like high blood pressure, lupus, diabetes, kidney disease, or thyroid problems can cause a miscarriage.

2. Disease of the internal organs: Abnormalities or diseases of the internal organs such as fibroids, multiple gestations, poor muscle tone of the uterus, and abnormal growth of the placenta can put stress on your system and lead to termination of the pregnancy.

3. Acute infections: Acute infections and emotional trauma can also lead to termination of pregnancy.

4. Abnormal Fetus: Most first trimester miscarriages are caused by abnormalities in the fetus. Genes are responsible for abnormalities, and this risk increases as a woman ages.

5. Apart from these, external factors like alcohol, drugs, caffeine and tobacco can also threaten a pregnancy.

The symptoms of this condition may be the following:

1. Bleeding – One may experience light spotting or severe bleeding with blood clots.

2. Cramps: Cramps can be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. It can occur on one side or both sides or only in the mid region. The pain may radiate to the lower back, buttocks, and genitals.

3. Symptoms of pregnancy can end: The usual symptoms and signs of pregnancy, such as nausea and breast tenderness, can end with a miscarriage.

You should visit your doctor if you experience any of the above symptoms or any passing of tissue, weakness, painful urination or dizziness. The doctor may perform an exam, tests, and an ultrasound.

Treatment for this condition can include some safe natural home remedies. Home remedies can be used to prevent miscarriage and continue a healthy pregnancy. Some of the natural home remedies to avoid termination of pregnancy are as follows:

1. Indian gooseberry juice taken every morning with honey is beneficial in preventing miscarriage.

2. Stop using alcohol, tobacco, and smoking as soon as you know you are pregnant.

3. Drinking raspberry tea every day is helpful as raspberry tea helps strengthen the uterus and shortens labor.

4. Tea with nutmeg is effective for this condition.

5. Asafetida is useful and is a simple natural home remedy.

6. Decoction of black gram with water is helpful in reducing the fear of miscarriage.

7. Asparagus is beneficial for treating reproductive problems in women.

8. The diet of a pregnant woman should be healthy and nutritious and should avoid unhealthy and unhygienic junk food.

9. Ascorbic acid should be taken in regulated amounts to prevent miscarriage.

Follow these natural home remedies to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

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