Red skin of the penis: causes of discoloration and itching

Over time, a man gets to know his body well. That’s why it can come as quite a surprise to look down and see a red penis instead of previously healthy supple skin. To make matters worse, a red penis is often a very itchy and dry penis. Not only is it quite uncomfortable, but it can make intimate activities a bit awkward, embarrassing, or even off-limits. The good news is that complete penile care can help relieve itching, dryness, and redness. If the sight of a red penis is worrisome, the following list explains what could really be going on and how to remedy the problem.

1) Excessive use. One of the most common reasons for a red penis is sexual activity, and lots of it. Excessive friction from intercourse or masturbation can lead to reddening of the skin, as well as dryness. The skin will become very sensitive and irritated, and you could even develop some small abrasions in the areas where the rubbing was most frequent. Stop sexual activity for at least 24 hours and use a high quality penile cream on the skin to facilitate faster healing.

2) Balanitis. This inflammation can be caused by numerous problems. One of the most common is the simple lack of proper hygiene. Remember to always wash the penis carefully; those who are not circumcised should take care to clean under the foreskin. If the problem persists, it may be due to an allergy to soap, detergent, or anything else that regularly comes into contact with the skin. Switch to a mild soap. Consider changing the laundry detergent as well.

3) yeast infection. Also known as yeast infection, thrush candidiasis is often considered a “woman’s problem.” However, men are just as likely to get thrush as women. Something as simple as a common cold can be enough to upset the body’s delicate balance, resulting in an overgrowth of common yeast spores on the skin. In addition to a red penis, there may be itching, dryness, cracks, and a whitish discharge. A yeast infection requires a visit to the doctor for proper treatment.

4) Allergy to latex. A latex allergy is no laughing matter: it can cause extreme redness and itching, and those with a severe allergy may have trouble breathing soon after contact with latex-containing condoms, dental dams, or intimate toys. This allergy usually appears the first few times a person is exposed to latex, so it can be an unfortunate surprise after using a condom for the first time. Stop using latex condoms immediately and make an appointment with your doctor to find out if this is really the problem.

5) STDs. A red penis can be one of the first signs of an STD, especially if accompanied by itching, small bumps, discolorations, peeling skin, sores, or discharge. Signs of an STD can show up days or even weeks after having sex. Although it can be difficult to think about having an STD, getting tested and treated is crucial to preserving fertility and avoiding passing the STD to others.

6) Jock-itch. One of the most annoying problems a man can encounter, jock itch is very aptly named. The urge to scratch can be maddening, and along with it comes redness, which is, of course, made even redder by the constant itching. The good news is that jock itch responds very well to over-the-counter treatments. Find a good antifungal cream or spray and use it exactly as directed. Change underwear frequently and use towels only once to avoid spreading the infection.

7) Cancer. Although extremely rare, many men worry that a red penis equals cancer. The cancer usually presents as lumps or growths on the penis, either red or bluish-brown in color. Skin texture may start to feel markedly different. A doctor’s appointment can help alleviate cancer fears; and if it turns out to be cancerous, there are many effective treatments.

Make a red penis healthy again

In many cases, a red penis will gradually return to its proper color and appearance. However, if there is itchiness along with the redness, be careful not to scratch the skin. This can cause microscopic tears and could actually make the itching worse. Seek relief by gently washing the skin, using a gentle cleanser designed for intimate care.

Keeping the penile skin hydrated is a vitally important part of a daily penile health regimen. Use a proven penile health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil), to maintain the skin supplement. Use formulations that provide nutrients known for their healing properties, such as vitamins A, C, D, and E, as well as shea butter.

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