The great fruit inspector

Steve carney

The man behind the great fruit inspector

In the fall of 1999, God began to stir Steve Carney’s heart regarding the end times, particularly the area of ​​the judgments leading up to the seven-year tribulation period mentioned in Daniel and Revelation. God began to give revelations about why catastrophic events occur. The message concerning judgment and discipline burned in his heart. Carney explains it this way: “He [God] created such urgency within me, brought me out of complacency and into action. “Carney began sending letters to family, friends, and some church leaders, sharing this message. Every month, as he sat down to write, he received revelation So much material accumulated from these monthly letters that the author actually has enough for three books, and Carney plans to work on these in the coming months.

Carney says that in the fall of 1999 he felt the urge to intercede in prayer and warn others of the coming trials. He knew that more tragedies would soon occur that would have a lasting impact. He doubted this call to warn others, did not yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and wavered in his prayer life. His transparency is evident when he said: “When I felt the importance of the message and the magnitude of the events, which were about to occur, I had to fight against fear and try to hide in my comfort zone. Deep down, I knew that I was running from what God wanted me to do. ” After 9/11 happened, he repented and received more information in the area of ​​the trial. It was then that he began writing monthly letters, which later led to the writing of The Great Fruit Inspector.

In the book, Carney encourages others by saying that God’s judgments are always avoidable. But even though judgment is avoidable, it says the Bible makes it clear that the Spirit of God will not always fight with man. If Christians continue to harden our hearts and refuse to repent, judgment will surely come.

The Great Fruit Inspector shows how God allows judgment to protect His universe and those who are in covenant with Him. He causes judgment because He delights in righteousness. He judges the earth to prevent anarchy from spreading and destroying it. He also sends judgment to deter ungodliness. God’s end result is to eradicate sin, rebellion, and death.
The good news, according to Carney, is that God is amazingly patient and patient with us. God gives us many warnings and time to repent. The Great Fruit Inspector points out multiple biblical examples of how God gave warning signs to cause people and nations to repent. His message of change is conveyed through the Holy Spirit, prophets, and evangelists. These examples also show how God fills his people and nations with goodness so that they see his goodness and desire to be like him.

In The Great Fruit Inspector we see that the world wants to believe that there is hope in Christ. They are looking at Christians to see if Christianity is real. “Consequently, we must be disciplined and take responsibility, so that we can be an example to the world,” says Carney. The book points out that the most vital ingredient for revival is prayer.

Carney is quick to clarify that trials and suffering are not always the result of a trial. Believe that God never causes obedient Christians to suffer. However, God sometimes leads Christians into difficult situations to spread the light of the Gospel. When asked why good people suffer, Carney said: “The obedient endure hardship because of other people’s decisions. God gives everyone the freedom to choose, whether to obey God or to rebel. Sometimes the obedient suffer. at the hands of cruel men who have no knowledge. ” of the truth “.

The key point of Carney’s book is that God is good and his actions are always motivated by love. Because of his love, he administers judgment and justice on earth. The book is designed to help its readers see that God is faithful. He can always be trusted, no matter what we’re going through. The Great Fruit Inspector will guide readers to repentance and holiness, resulting in true prosperity. Churches and families can learn from the book that true love involves discipline. It will help those who believe only in judgment and those who believe only in God’s prosperity to be well balanced and come together in unity. The goal is to impart holy fear and reverence for God, leading the nations to repentance, revival, and prosperity. The first step is to go to God in prayer, confess our sins, as individuals and as a nation, and turn from evil.

Author Steve Carney resides in Tulsa, OK with his 11-year-old wife and 18-year-old stepson. He received his business degree from the University of Louisiana and worked in retail for years. The intensive Bible study began when Carney attended the Rhema Bible Training Center. His growth in faith and the fullness of the Spirit has equipped him for a variety of church positions, including his current Sunday School staff. Carney left retail in 2006 to focus on writing.

Sales information:

Title: The Great Fruit Inspector

Author: Rev. Steve carney

Publisher: Pleasant Word

ISBN 13: 978-1-4141-0946-6

ISBN 10: 1-4141-0946-6

Number of pages: 248

Price: $ 17.99

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