The immovable object and the irresistible force

Contradictory or nice? What happens when two forces collide?

Relationship counseling: conflict resolution

“The immovable object and the irresistible, assumed, indestructible force. Assumed as two distinct, separate forces, the paradox is flawed. If incompatibility is the question, because with an irresistible, it is assumed that it cannot be stopped. Logically the irresistible force wins, or vice versa, the immovable object that cannot be moved, destroys the irresistible force “.

“Can God create a stone so heavy that even God is not strong enough to lift it?” It seems that there is no such matter that God cannot penetrate. So goes the ‘good book’ and science to compare, the paradox is still being examined.

Resolve conflicts in your relationship

I personally believe that one must be unshakable and unshakable for the love of God. For the sake of the good, we must never waver. However, there are times when the sheer force of unforeseen circumstances hits the faithful and fortified wall around us. I understand being immovable. I also understand the need to remove barriers block by block. When a barrier opposes goodness, the unstoppable force makes tiny holes in the cascading walls.

When lovers and relationships collide

Lovers and relationships collide sometimes. Life is not easy. It seems easy to say, life doesn’t always give us what we want. What do we do when our relationship comes to a standstill? It all comes down to how much love or appreciation came together to begin with. Where there is little love, there is no reconciliation.

Irresistible force paradox

The “paradox” is flawed because if there is an irresistible force, it logically follows that there can be no such thing as an immovable object, and vice versa.

Origin of thought

The thought is not Western, it has been found to originate from the Chinese thought of contradiction.

Thought application

It can be applied to any conflict. If there are two clear defined extremes of opposite nature, we would do well to examine the application of how two apparently strong forces collide.

Conclusion of this contradiction – not contradictory at all!

If both the irresistible force and the object are equal with infinite inertia, then both would have essentially the same moment and one at the same. Scientifically, any object whose momentum cannot be changed is simply an immovable object that would stop any force.

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