Author: admin

A business model that keeps on giving

If there was an Entrepreneur Hall of Fame, Wayne Huizenga would be a founding member. Most people recognize Wayne Huizenga as the former owner of the Florida Marlins baseball team and the current owner of the National Football League’s Miami Dolphins. These are the kinds of flashy knick-knacks a billionaire businessman collects. However, his success […]

Transition from employee to solopreneur

Is the number one goal on your bucket list to set up your own entity and become a Solopreneur business owner or consultant? Are you planning to leave the “security” of a traditional job to directly market and sell your products or services to customers with the money and motivation to do business with you? […]

landscape marketing design

Did it ever occur to you that landscape design marketing was as essential to your business as a good aesthetic sense and horticultural knowledge? Chances are, if you’re someone who puts a lot of time and love into your work, you’ve never really thought about why you need to think about marketing. Shouldn’t your work […]

HHO car conversion

HHO car conversion has become incredibly simple since 2004. Now, in 2009, there is a boom in the number of people turning their cars into water. With plenty of convenient and easy-to-implement instructions available, no one should miss out on getting their car running for half the cost of filling it up with gas each […]

The 12 best books I read in 2017

Unlike last year, he was almost certain that he would not accept any reading challenges this year. It really is something to understand so many characters and situations and not be affected. You really can’t purge emotions easily. But, then we all like challenges; push ourselves and overcome our own limits. And then this is […]

Heaviness or excess energy after meditation?

Meditating on bad emotions, incidents, or thoughts can have unexpected results. One may not feel good and refreshed after meditation and just say, ‘Oh, I’m too energized’ Sometimes we are really over-energized. Sometimes there is a great downpour of divine energy and we feel heaviness throughout the body. This is a way of being over-energized […]
