Category: Business

Optimal cost structure and effective economies of scale

How do companies choose their cost structure? What is the nature and function of the scales of operation? What are the sources of functional and dysfunctional scales of operation? These policy questions relate to the optimal overhead for a business enterprise – the right mix of expenses that maximizes return on investment and shareholder wealth […]

How do I start my own investment business?

Becoming an Investment Advisor was actually my first choice when I originally asked the question “How can I start my own business?” about 5 years ago. My corporate work experience is banking, so I was quite used to giving advice to people on where to put their money … but the bad thing about banking […]

Business accounting software

Accounting is a system for collecting, summarizing, analyzing and reporting, in monetary terms, information about an organization. The final product of business accounting software is the financial statements that consist of the balance sheet, the profit and loss account, and the statement of changes in financial position. These statements are, therefore, the source of information […]

Nonprofits vs Nonprofits: Is There a Difference?

For people new to the world of nonprofits, there is often significant confusion about the use of the terms “nonprofit” and “nonprofit.” Many organizations insist on referring to themselves as one or the other, and even some legal and accounting professionals try to draw a clear line between organizations that fall under these terms. Although […]
