Category: Legal Law

CTU Online Education Online

Improvements in technology over the last two decades have finally empowered men and women to earn academic degrees from respected universities on the Internet. These people have a variety of reasons why they like this process. Many people, perhaps due to their careers or other obligations, cannot find the time to come to campus for […]

a cancer story

In early August 2016, my daughter-in-law Andrea told her mother and me that her doctor had told her she had stage three uterine cancer and stage three cervical cancer. This surprised both of us very much because Andrea was only thirty years old. Andrea also said that the doctor had also scheduled her for a […]

Protect yourself after a car accident

Step-by-step instructions on how to protect yourself if you are in a car accident. Auto accidents are a major cause of disabling injuries and deaths across the country. The facts about car accidents are alarming: According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, car accidents killed 43,443 Americans in 2005. Another 2,494,000 people were injured […]

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