Category: Legal Law

Is your daughter-in-law bullying you?

The topic of bullying is often associated with children and adolescents. Children are bullied at school, in their neighborhoods, and through social media. It can be by people they know, or when it is through social media, it can also be by people they have never met. When you are the recipient of such actions, […]

Fast Track Ivy League Admission Tips

The Ivy League is an athletic union of American educational institutes based in the northeastern states, including Harvard, Yale, and Columbia University. Many people mistakenly believe that MIT and Stanford are members of this union. While we refer to these institutes in this article, they are not. There are a number of factors that will […]

Impaired driving: How big is the problem?

INTRODUCTION You have to understand the importance of driving safety. Safety is a fundamental factor to take into account in daily life. Drivers must never forget the fact that their safety and the well-being of other road users are in their hands. Traffic accidents are mainly caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol or […]

Is it worth investing in Law School?

Does Michigan’s economy really need six law schools that inject more than a thousand recent graduates into the service sector each year? Unlike many job applicants, most new attorneys are heavily in debt; some carry more than $ 100,000 in student loans. This can quickly lead to despair. The economy is still hurting in several […]

Bringing the score to life (Part 2)

For many beginning writers, and also for some veterans, the punctuation can be confusing. The scoring rules sometimes seem arcane, abstract, and even random. But if we see punctuation as a form of traffic control: commands to stop, pause, look ahead, etc. – it is easy to master these necessary grammar rules. In a previous […]

Crush the Box – Nix the Naysayers!

At one point in your youth, you made a face and someone warned you, “Be careful, you will stay like this!” Look at yourself in the mirror. Do you have crossed eyes, a sticking out tongue, or abnormally curved lips? I do not believe it. Did your elementary school art teacher ever tell you that […]

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