Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Children’s hair care

Salon visits can be scary experiences for young children: they’re boring, full of strangers and weird-smelling products, you’re told to stay put for a long time, while some idiot does terrible things to your hair you didn’t want. that they happened first. Life is so unfair! So how can you, as a parent, avoid upsetting […]

The Temple of God in Holy Jerusalem

Speaking of some of the saints who were temporarily restored to physical life to testify about the resurrection of Yeshua, after Jealous Jewish leaders handed him over to the bloodthirsty Romans to assassinate him, we find, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Matthew 27:53 …and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection, they entered […]

Body DeTox – The Ultra Bath

I recently discovered how to take an ultra bath to help my body detox. Detox is really just another name for cleanse. A toxin is anything that causes harmful or irritating effects on our bodies. Every day we are exposed to chemicals in our environment, as well as air and water pollution, and radiation. Our […]

empathic shielding

You know you are an empath if you find yourself picking up on other people’s problems. When they are sad, you are sad, when they are happy, you are happy, when they are suffering, so are you. Separating your issues from theirs can be very confusing and makes living life as an empath quite challenging. […]
