Category: Lifestyle Fashion

10 myths about hair

It always amazes me when I hear some of the advice given about hair. Some range from ridiculous, but are considered “common knowledge” because they have been passed down through so many generations and spoken about by so many people, that the plausibility of the statement is rarely questioned. However, I’m tired of it! So… […]

Fulvic acid: the natural antifungal

Fulvic acid, a natural plant extract found on ancient seabeds, has many uses in the human body. An important function of fulvic is that of an antifungal agent. Fungi include not only mold, but also the spores that mold uses to regenerate and the mycotoxins it emits. Mold is very dangerous to human health. The […]

Sunshine Butter And Jelly Crepes

Anyone who has witnessed or experienced the reaction to peanuts of someone with a peanut allergy knows how scary it can be. In fact, it is life threatening. One of the things that makes peanut allergies so frightening is that a person allergic to peanuts doesn’t need to eat them to have a reaction, often […]
