Category: Pets

Conversations with Animals by Lydia Hiby

Conversations with Animals: Cherished Messages and Memories Told by an Animal Communicator by Lydia Hiby with Bonnie S. Weintraub. I liked this book. It was easy to read and there was a lot of useful information in the book for those owners who know that pets have feelings like us. They also know A LOT […]

Feed your pet fresh food

Okay, I admitted it. I’m fascinated, too curious, not entirely obsessed with the idea of ​​”you are what you eat.” If you could see me, you’d say I need to lose more than a few pounds and it certainly doesn’t seem like I’m practicing what fascinates me so much. I know deep down (literally) that […]

History of the Honda CA 125

Launched in 1995, the Honda CA 125 had a cruiser-inspired design, but a frugal commuter engine straight out of the Honda CB 125 of the 1980s. This gave the CA 125 owner a unique experience, with a driving feel. very similar to that of the larger American cruise ships. Even the seat mimicked the styling […]

10 dog names and their meanings

Naming their new pet is, for some, one of the most challenging parts of owning a pet. You realize that you and your pet will be stuck with this name for a long time, so take your time when choosing. Below is a list of 10 female dog names along with their meanings. Maybe you […]

Raipurs wildlife sanctuaries

Raipur is the largest city located along the fertile plains of the Chhattisgarh district. This district was part of southern Kosal. It is considered under the Kingdom of Mourya and the capital of the Haihaya Kings. The city became the center of commerce and home to wildlife sanctuaries in India. The Raipur district has three […]

Are Silver Labradors purebred?

Silver Labradors have received a lot of attention. These are very pretty silver brown or slate blue dogs that otherwise look like Labradors. Some people claim that these are incredibly special dogs and charge a lot of money for them. Others say they are not even laboratories. Are Silver Labradors purebred and where do they […]

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