Category: Sports

We need to reach out and sell someone, now!

Remember that great sports movie, “Field of Dreams” with Kevin Costner? Costner’s character heard voices pleading with him to build a baseball diamond in the middle of a cornfield, a place where Shoeless Joe Jackson and the ghosts of the Chicago White Sox could come to life and redeem the scandalous fixing of the Series. […]

7 tips for riding a dirt bike

Learning to ride motocross can take a lot of time, commitment, and skill. Although that is true, once you learn the basics, the hard part is over and it’s time for fun. Here are seven tips for beginners learning to ride. 1. Start your bike. Most bikes start with a kick. First you need to […]

political climate

The change has come to a point. President-elect Joe Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris are in office to restore, revive, and heal our country and relationships around the world. These last four years under the Trump administration have been like a toxic cancer spreading from one community to another. There are no other […]

Lift weights to become a better fighter

For fighters, strength is secondary to the list of important skills needed to improve your game. In wrestling and competitive wrestling, training should focus first on technique and conditioning, then speed and agility, and finally strength. After skill training, sparring, sparring, and conditioning, there’s hardly any time or energy left to even consider strength training […]

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