Category: Sports

San Diego Padres

In 1968, the San Diego Padres came to life as the city was awarded a National League franchise during owners meetings in Chicago. As expected, the first five years of the San Diego Padres’ existence are difficult in the win-loss column, but things gradually start to work out in 1974 when Ray Kroc, the founder […]

What is XBox360?

Xbox 360 is the successor to Microsoft’s Xbox video game console. In the past it was known as Xbox Next or Xbox 2 or simply Project Xenon. Microsoft has scheduled its release just before Christmas 2005, the biggest shopping season, although it was presented on May 12, 2005 on MTV. Xbox 360 is a response […]

Green computing: how you can make a difference

What is green computing? Global warming and environmental change have become big problems with governments, corporations and the average citizen alike, all looking for new ways to green their daily activities. Computers certainly make up a large part of many people’s lives and are traditionally extremely harmful to the environment, which begs the question: What […]

Ness’s Notes (June 6)

While I don’t offer much commentary on the NHL, the Stanley Cup playoffs have always been a great “ride.” Game 1 of the Finals last night was everything a fan could ask for and more. My early Christmas wish is a great NBA Finals. Coverage starts tomorrow. My free play for Tuesday is at the […]

Kart Racing: economic motorsport

Kart racing is the type of racing generally accepted as the cheapest form of motorsports in the world. It can be done by almost anyone as a leisure time activity, and as a motorsport in its own right, it is one of the CIK regulated sports anyone from the age of 8 can obtain a […]

What is the Brett Favre saga?

The Brett Favre saga may have begun on the second day of February 2007 when Brett Favre announced that he would return to play as the Packers’ star quarterback for the upcoming 2007 NFL football season. This announcement was made in amid much speculation that Favre would possibly retire at that point. This was great […]

Music and Politics

Jerome Camal, French by birth, is an Assistant at Washington University in Saint Louis in Jazz Studies, Logic of Music, and Logic of Ethnic Music. But he is also a saxophonist who is not satisfied with living off academic pursuits and does not want to be called by the teacher, but prefers to play in […]
