Building the perfect male body

Let’s face it, you’ll never see big bodybuilders starring in Hollywood action movies anymore. This is because this look is ‘trying hard’ and is not considered desirable for women. Today’s action stars are slimmer but still muscular. They have a GQ style where they look great with suits and fancy clothes because they are not […]

Understanding the real rate of return!

There is one indicator more than any other that determines the health of an economy and that is the Real Rate of Return. Also, this is the simplest of all the indicators to understand because it determines the safety of the assets. The next time you hear TALKING HEADS discussing the nuances of the markets, […]

Glycolic acid lotion not for children

There is no other envied skin than that of babies. The baby’s skin is soft, smooth and without imperfections. As they get a little older, their skin changes. Due to cuts, wounds and scratches are acquired while playing and perhaps by accident they develop scars. As parents, you only want the best skin for your […]

How to make a killing in the expert industry

The term “industry insiders” was coined by Brendon Burchard in his book The Millionaire Messenger. Brendon is one of the leading figures in the expert industry. His Millionaire Messenger was #1 on Amazon’s best-seller list for 40 weeks, catapulting the author to the top of the industry. Brendon then launched the now defunct Industry Association […]

Steve Dari: a great pilot and a great man

One can only thank Steve Dari for the memorable flight in the air races and for living life on the edge and pushing the limits. Indeed, a life well lived: he was a great adventurer, sportsman, RVer and lover of life. Our condolences to his wonderful and supportive family. In addition to being an accomplished […]
