Day: June 29, 2021

Disciplinary bread

An unmistakable fact: my grandmother, Nannie, could make the best Snickerdoodle cookies. Too bad, then, that this isn’t his claim to fame (or is it infamy) in his little hometown. Because it’s there, in the peaceful agricultural surroundings of California’s San Joaquin Valley, that the sweetest old lady on this side of Pasadena was known […]

Scooters: What are the characteristics of a scooter?

Scooters are fast becoming a popular choice for cost-conscious consumers looking for an inexpensive way to get around town. Scooters have many benefits, from low costs to above-average fuel efficiency. However, when looking to buy a scooter, there are many features that you will either get as standard or that you can upgrade. Here are […]

How Email Marketing Benefits Businesses

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing, used to communicate business or fundraising messages to an audience. The concept of email marketing has dynamically changed the marketing style of companies from their businesses. Email helps companies talk or express any new ideas or information faster and happier than ever. Similarly, it helps businesses by […]

How to write an Easter bunny letter

Imagine having to drive around the world in one night, carrying Easter baskets and eggs as you do so. With all those responsibilities, plus the lack of opposable thumbs, is it any wonder the Easter Bunny can’t sometimes write letters to little boys and girls? Fortunately, it is easy for the adults to help the […]

7 benefits of online streaming websites

Today, the Internet has made it much easier for you to carry out your routine tasks. Most people around the world watch movies to refresh their minds and have fun. In fact, watching movies and TV series is an ideal way to eliminate boredom. This is where online streaming platforms play a big role. In […]

Healthy Eating: 5 Summer Favorites

Summer is definitely the time of year when produce is at its peak, and there’s no reason we can’t get at least 5 servings, and preferably more, of wonderfully fresh and delicious fruits and vegetables. Your body (and taste buds) will thank you! Here are my favorite summer fruits and vegetables. Enjoy! Berries Strawberries ripen […]

Canterbury School – Academic Excellence in Fort Myers

Canterbury School is an independent coeducational private day school in Fort Myers, Florida that claims the distinction of sending 100 percent of its graduates to colleges or universities. With such high academic statistics, it is not surprising that Canterbury students are regularly admitted to select universities across the country, including Carnegie Mellon, Duke, Harvard, New […]
