Month: June 2022

song writers

A composer is someone who writes the lyrics of the songs, their musical composition or the melody of the songs, or both. That is, a composer is usually a lyricist or a composer, or both. However, the word ‘songwriter’ is more commonly used these days to describe someone who writes popular songs than it is […]

Maintenance of refrigeration, cold rooms and freezers

Most refrigerators and walk-in coolers seem virtually indestructible and trouble-free, but you’ll get a longer life by following these safety and maintenance tips. Clean door seals and hinges regularly. Door gaskets, made of rubber, can rot more easily if they are covered in food or dirt, weakening their sealing properties. They can be safely cleaned […]

Repo Car Auction – Profit From Repossession

Repossessed or repossessed car auctions give you the opportunity to purchase the car of your choice at an affordable price. The repo car auction is the place where repossessed vehicles are auctioned. Repossessed vehicles are those vehicles seized by banks or loan companies when the owners were unable to pay the mortgage on the car. […]

How to eat popcorn after weight loss surgery

When it comes to foods that cause weight regain, for surgical weight loss patients, popcorn is one of the worst offenders. By all accounts, it’s a high-fiber “healthy” snack. However, for many gastric patients, popcorn becomes the king of slippery foods leading to digestive upsets, dumping syndrome, and ultimately weight gain. Many bariatric centers advise […]

Myths about ferrets dispelled

Ferrets make great pets, but there are some myths about them that keep people from even considering adopting them. The following information serves to dispel many of the myths about ferrets. Hopefully, if you’ve heard and believed one of these myths, this information will help you see that a ferret really is a fantastic pet. […]

the last cowboy

Ka-ching. Ka-ching. Ka-ching. The spurs on a cowboy’s boots, an unmistakable sound. An ancient sound, dating back to the Roman legions of Julius Caesar and beyond, that evokes feelings of awe, wonder and fear. The American Cowboy. Long days, wagons, and toughness are words used to describe the life of a cowboy to schoolchildren when […]
